Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Contrasting inherent optical properties and particle characteristics between an under-ice phytoplankton bloom and open water in the Chukchi Sea ACL 2014 NEUKERMANS Griet, REYNOLDS Rick,a, STRAMSKI Dariusz
Impact of measurement uncertainties on determination of chlorophyll-specific absorption coefficient for marine phytoplankton ACL 2014 MCKEE David, ROETTGERS Rüdiger, NEUKERMANS Griet, CALZADO V,s, TREES Charles, ... (+3)
Optical classification and characterization of marine particle assemblages within the western Arctic Ocean ACL 2016 NEUKERMANS Griet, REYNOLDS Rick,a, STRAMSKI Dariusz
Optical backscattering by particles in Arctic seawater and relationships to particle mass concentration, size distribution, and bulk composition ACL 2016 REYNOLDS Rick,a, STRAMSKI Dariusz, NEUKERMANS Griet
Influence of photoacclimation on the phytoplankton seasonal cycle in the Mediterranean Sea as seen by satellite ACL 2016 BELLACICCO Marco, VOLPE G, COLELLA Simone, PITARCH Jaime, SANTOLERI Rosalia
Use of the quasi-analytical algorithm to retrieve backscattering from in-situ data in the Mediterranean Sea ACL 2016 PITARCH Jaime, BELLACICCO Marco, VOLPE G, COLELLA Simone, SANTOLERI Rosalia
The 1987 Aegean dense water formation: A streamtube investigation by comparing theoretical model results, satellite, field, and numerical data with contourite distribution ACL 2016 BELLACICCO Marco, ANAGNOSTOU C, FALCINI F, RINALDI E, TRIPSANAS K, ... (+1)
Computing the carbonate chemistry of the coral calcifying medium and its response to ocean acidification ACL 2017 RAYBAUD Virginie, TAMBUTTÉ S, FERRIER-PAGÈS Christine, REYNAUD S, VENN Alex, ... (+3)
Séminaire Climat, biodiversité, croissance bleue : quelles solutions pour la Méditerranée ? Organisé par S. Royal dans le cadre de la coalition Océan de la COP21 et de la conférence nationale de la mer et de l’Océan AP 2016 PEDROTTI Maria-luiza
A short summary of the current knowledge on ocean acidification AP 2014 GATTUSO Jean-pierre
What future for the ocean? Comparison of two contrasted scenarios. AP 2015 GATTUSO Jean-pierre
What future for the ocean? Comparison of two contrasted scenarios AP 2015 GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Impacts of climate change and ocean acidification on the ocean and its services AP 2015 GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Contrasting futures for ocean and society from different anthropogenic CO2 emissions scenarios; Ocean acidification in IMBER ́s Science Plan AP 2015 GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Shelf-basin gradients shape ecological phytoplankton niches and community composition in the coastal Arctic Ocean (Beaufort Sea) ACL 2017 ARDYNA Mathieu, BABIN Marcel, DEVRED Emmanuel, FOREST A, GOSSELIN Michel, ... (+2)
Estimation of primary production in the Arctic Ocean using ocean colour remote sensing and coupled physical-biological models: Strengths, limitations and how they compare ACL 2015 BABIN Marcel, BÉLANGER Simon, ELLINGSEN I, FOREST A, LE FOUEST Vincent, ... (+3)
Influence of seabird colonies and other environmental variables on benthic community structure, Lancaster Sound Region, Canadian Arctic ACL 2017 BOUCHARD MARMEN Mariève, KENCHINGTON Ellen, ARDYNA Mathieu, ARCHAMBAULT Philippe
Assessing pigment-based phytoplankton community distributions in the Red Sea ACL 2017 KHEIREDDINE Malika, OUHSSAIN Mustapha, CLAUSTRE Herve, UITZ Julia, GENTILI Bernard, ... (+1)
Decadal trends in phytoplankton production in the Pacific Arctic Region from 1950 to 2012 ACL 2018 HILL Victoria, ARDYNA Mathieu, LEE S-h, VARELA Diana,e
Delineating environmental control of phytoplankton biomass and phenology in the Southern Ocean ACL 2017 ARDYNA Mathieu, CLAUSTRE Herve, SALLÉE Jean-baptiste, D'OVIDIO Francesco, GENTILI Bernard, ... (+3)
Significant Change in Marine Plankton Structure and Carbon Production After the Addition of River Water in a Mesocosm Experiment ACL 2017 FOUILLAND Eric, TROTTET A, ALVES-DE-SOUZA C, BONNET Delphine, BOUVIER T, ... (+18)
Changes in phytoplankton bloom phenology over the North Water (NOW) polynya: a response to changing environmental conditions ACL 2017 MARCHESE Christian, ALBOUY Camille, TREMBLAY Jean-eric, DUMONT Dany, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, ... (+2)
Geometrical models of skeleton forms of spherical Radiolaria ACTI 2012 YOSHINO Takashi, MATSUOKA Atsushi, KURIHARA H, ISHIDA Naoto, KISHIMOTO Naoko, ... (+2)
LODE: A distance-based classifier built on ensembles of positive and negative observations ACL 2012 MEO Rosa, BACHAR Dipankar, IENCO Dino
Reply to the Comment on ``Mathematical modeling of unicellular microalgae and cyanobacteria metabolism for biofuel production'' by Baroukh et al. [Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 2015, 33:198-205] ACL 2016 BAROUKH Caroline, MUNOZ-TAMAYO Rafael, BERNARD Olivier, STEYER Jean-philippe
Temporal evolution of 137Cs, 237Np, and 239+240Pu and estimated vertical 239+240Pu export in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea ACL 2017 BRESSAC Matthieu, LEVY I, CHAMIZO E, LA ROSA J,j, POVINEC P, ... (+2)
The Paradox of the Publication ASCL 2013 DOLAN John,r
Progress in controlled in situ ocean acidification experiments ASCL 2013 BREWER P,g, KIRKWOOD William, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Development and validation of the new ProvBioII float ASCL 2013 LEYMARIE Edouard, POTEAU Antoine, ANDRÉ X, BESSON Florent, BRAULT Patrice, ... (+15)
The Oceans 2015 Initiative, Part I: An updated understanding of the observed and projected impacts of ocean warming and acidification on physical and biological processes in the oceans ASCL 2015 HOWES Ella,louise, JOOS F, EAKIN C,m, GATTUSO Jean-pierre