Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
The evolution of diatoms and their biogeochemical functions ACL 2017 BENOISTON Anne-sophie, IBARBALZ Federico,m, BITTNER Lucie, GUIDI Lionel, JAHN Oliver, ... (+2)
Two databases derived from BGC-Argo float measurements for biogeochemical and bio-optical applications at the global scale ACL 2017 ORGANELLI Emanuele, BARBIEUX Marie, CLAUSTRE Herve, SCHMECHTIG Catherine, POTEAU Antoine, ... (+14)
Harmful algal blooms in benthic systems: Recent progress and future research ACL 2017 BERDALET E, TESTER Patricia, CHINAIN M, FRAGA Santiago, LEMEE Rodolphe, ... (+5)
Atmospheric deposition effects on plankton communities in the Eastern Mediterranean: A mesocosm experimental approach ACL 2017 TSAGARAKI Tatania,m, HERUT B, RAHAV Eyal, BERMAN-FRANK Ilana, TSIOLA A, ... (+17)
Viruses- the overlooked players ASCL 2008 WEINBAUER Markus,g
On Kofoid's trail: marine biological laboratories in Europe and their life histories ASCL 2007 DOLAN John,r
Sedimentological imprint on subseafloor microbial communities in Western Mediterranean Sea Quaternary sediments ACL 2012 CIOBANU Maria-cristina, RABINEAU M, DROZ L, RÉVILLON S, GHIGLIONE J,f, ... (+11)
Phaeobacter leonis sp nov., an alphaproteobacterium from Mediterranean Sea sediments ACL 2013 GABOYER F, TINDALL B,j, CIOBANU Maria-cristina, DUTHOIT F, LE ROMANCER M, ... (+1)
Physiological features of Halomonas lionensis sp. nov., a novel bacterium isolated from a Mediterranean Sea sediment ACL 2014 GABOYER F, VANDENABEELE-TRAMBOUZE O, CAO J, CIOBANU Maria-cristina, JEBBAR M, ... (+2)
In-depth analyses of deep subsurface sediments using 454-pyrosequencing reveals a reservoir of buried fungal communities at record-breaking depths ACL 2014 REDOU V, CIOBANU Maria-cristina, PACHIADAKI M,g, EDGCOMB Virginia, ALAIN K, ... (+2)
Particulate concentration and seasonal dynamics in the mesopelagic ocean based on the backscattering coefficient measured with Biogeochemical-Argo floats ACL 2017 POTEAU Antoine, BOSS Emmanuel, CLAUSTRE Herve
Investigating Rhône River plume (Gulf of Lions, France) dynamics using metrics analysis from the MERIS 300m Ocean Color archive (2002 − 2012) ACL 2017 GANGLOFF Aurélien, VERNEY Romaric, DOXARAN David, ODY Anouck, ESTOURNEL Claude
On the discrimination of multiple phytoplankton groups from light absorption spectra of assemblages with mixed taxonomic composition and variable light conditions ACL 2017 BRICAUD Annick, UITZ Julia, ORGANELLI Emanuele, LAZZARA L, MASSI L, ... (+1)
Spatiotemporal Variation in Suspended Sediment Concentrations and Related Factors of Coastal Waters Based on Multispatial Satellite Data in Gyeonggi Bay, Korea ACL 2017 EOM Jinah, CHOI Jong-kuk, WON Joong-sun, RYU Joo-hyung, DOXARAN David, ... (+2)
HyMeX, les campagnes de mesures : focus sur les événements extrêmes en Méditerranée OV 2013 DUCROCQ Véronique, BELAMARI S, BOUDEVILLAIN B, BOUSQUET O, COCQUEREZ P, ... (+40)
C, N and P stoichiometric mismatch between resources and consumers influence the dynamics of a marine microbial food web model and its response to atmospheric N and P inputs AP 2014 PONDAVEN P, RIVIÈRE P, RIDAME Céline, GUIEU Cecile
John H. Steele, 1926-2013 ACLN 2014 LEGENDRE Louis
HyMeX, le cycle de l'eau méditerranéen à la loupe OV 2013 DROBINSKI P, DUCROCQ Véronique, ARBOGAST P, BASDEVANT C, BASTIN S, ... (+60)
Des poussières pour le plancton marin OV 2012 GUIEU Cecile
Synergistic exploitation of hyper- and multispectral precursor Sentinel measurements to determine Phytoplankton Functional Types (SynSenPFT) ACL 2017 LOSA Svetlana,n, SOPPA M, DINTER T, WOLANIN Aleksandra, BREWIN Robert,j,w, ... (+6)
New insights into global biogeography, population structure and natural selection from the genome of the epipelagic copepod Oithona ACL 2017 MADOUI Mohammed-amin, POULAIN Julie, SUGIER Kevin, WESSNER Marc, NOEL Benjamin, ... (+7)
L’acidification de la mer Méditerranée OV 2017 GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Hourly to decadal variability of sea surface carbon parameters in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea COM 2017 BOUTIN Jacqueline, MERLIVAT Liliane, ANTOINE David, BEAUMONT Laurence, GOLBOL Melek, ... (+1)
A wavelet analysis of high frequency bio-optical properties in the western Mediterranean Sea (BOUSSOLE site) AFF 2017 VELLUCCI Vincenzo, ANTOINE David, BELLACICCO Marco, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio
Hyperspectral instruments the valuable but challenging way forward AFF 2017 BIALEK Agnieszka, VELLUCCI Vincenzo, GREENWELL C, FOX N, ANTOINE David
On-going SVC activities: overview & status of BOUSSOLE INV 2017 ANTOINE David, VELLUCCI Vincenzo
Delineating environmental control of phytoplankton biomass and phenology in the Southern Ocean AFF 2017 ARDYNA Mathieu, CLAUSTRE Herve, SALLÉE Jean-baptiste, D'OVIDIO Francesco, GENTILI Bernard, ... (+3)
First data from a new Argo profiler dedicated to high quality radiometric measurements. AFF 2017 LEYMARIE Edouard, PENKERC'H Christophe, VELLUCCI Vincenzo, LEREBOURG Christophe, ANTOINE David, ... (+1)
Vertical distribution and seasonal variability of biogeochemical properties in the North Atlantic inferred from innovative learning-based methods AFF 2017 SAUZEDE Raphaelle, CLAUSTRE Herve, UITZ Julia, FONTANA Clément, MARTINEZ Elodie, ... (+3)
Contrasting interannual changes in phytoplankton productivity and community structure in the coastal Canadian Arctic Ocean ACL 2017 BLAIS M, ARDYNA Mathieu, GOSSELIN Michel, DUMONT Dany, BÉLANGER Simon, ... (+4)