Elements : 6125
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Inversion of spectral absorption coefficients to infer phytoplankton size classes, chlorophyll concentration and detrital matter ACL 2015 ZHANG Xiaodong, HUOT Yannick, BRICAUD Annick, SOSIK Heidi,m
Characteristics of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the Western Arctic Ocean: Relationships with microbial activities ACL 2015 MATSUOKA Atsushi, ORTEGA-RETUERTA Eva, BRICAUD Annick, ARRIGO Kevin,r, BABIN Marcel
Long-term adaptive response to high-frequency light signals in the unicellular photosynthetic eukaryote Dunaliella salina ACL 2015 COMBE Charlotte, HARTMANN Philipp, RABOUILLE Sophie, TALEC Amélie, BERNARD Olivier, ... (+1)
Open science resources for the discovery and analysis of Tara Oceans data ACL 2015 PESANT Stéphane, NOT Fabrice, PICHERAL Marc, KANDELS-LEWIS Stefanie, LE BESCOT Noan, ... (+7)
Optical techniques for remote and in-situ characterization of particles pertinent to GEOTRACES ACL 2015 BOSS Emmanuel, GUIDI Lionel, RICHARDSON Mary-jo, STEMMANN Lars, GARDNER W,d, ... (+3)
Environmental characteristics of Agulhas rings affect interocean plankton transport ACL 2015 VILLAR Emilie, FARRANT Gregory,k, FOLLOWS Mick, GARCZAREK Laurence, SPEICH Sabrina, ... (+49)
Determinants of community structure in the global plankton interactome ACL 2015 LIMA-MENDEZ Gipsi, FAUST Karoline, HENRY Nicolas, DECELLE Johan, COLIN Sébastien, ... (+46)
Patterns and ecological drivers of ocean viral communities ACL 2015 BRUM Jennifer,r, IGNACIO-ESPINOZA J,cesar, ROUX Simon, DOULCIER Guilhem, ACINAS Silvia,g, ... (+27)
Structure and function of the global ocean microbiome ACL 2015 SUNAGAWA Shinichi, COELHO Luis,pedro, CHAFFRON Samuel, ROAT KULTIMA Jens, LABADIE Karine, ... (+46)
Eukaryotic plankton diversity in the sunlit ocean ACL 2015 DE VARGAS Colomban, AUDIC Stéphane, HENRY Nicolas, DECELLE Johan, MAHÉ Frédéric, ... (+50)
Tara Oceans studies plankton at planetary scale ACL 2015 BORK Peer, BOWLER Chris, DE VARGAS Colomban, GORSKY Gabriel, KARSENTI Eric, ... (+1)
Mitochondrial, but not rDNA, genes fail to discriminate dinoflagellate species in the genus Ostreopsis ACL 2014 PENNA Antonella, BATTOCCHI Cecilia, CAPELLACCI Samuela, FRAGA Santiago, ALIGIZAKI Katerina, ... (+2)
Comparative muscle development of scyphozoan jellyfish with simple and complex life cycles ACL 2015 HELM Rebecca, TIOZZO Stefano, LILLEY Martin,k,s, LOMBARD Fabien, DUNN Casey
A 50% increase in the amount of terrestrial particles delivered by the Mackenzie River into the Beaufort Sea (Canadian Arctic Ocean) over the last 10 years ACL 2015 DOXARAN David, DEVRED Emmanuel, BABIN Marcel
Southern Ocean Euphausiids OS 2014 CUZIN-ROUDY Jeannine, IRISSON Jean-olivier, PENOT Florian, KAWAGUCHI S, VALLET Carole
Comprehensive Model of Annual Plankton Succession Based on the Whole-Plankton Time Series Approach ACL 2015 ROMAGNAN Jean-baptiste, LEGENDRE Louis, GUIDI Lionel, JAMET J-l, JAMET D, ... (+6)
PlankMed: Impact du changement climatique sur les écorégions planctoniques en Méditerranée : couplage de modèles statistiques et dynamiques AFF 2015 AYATA Sakina-dorothée, BENEDETTI Fabio, ADLOFF Fanny, SOMOT Samuel, GUILHAUMON François
Uncertainties in ensemble forecasting of copepod species richness through nice modelling, under multiple climate change scenarios COM 2015 BENEDETTI Fabio, GUILHAUMON François, ADLOFF Fanny, SOMOT Samuel, IRISSON Jean-olivier, ... (+1)
How does hydrodynamical constraint affect plankton distribution in the Mediterranean Sea? Weighting habitat suitability by connectivity AFF 2015 DOS SANTOS Alex, AYATA Sakina-dorothée, BERLINE Léo
A new approach for modeling Cenozoic oceanic lithium isotope paleo-variations: the key role of climate ACL 2015 VIGIER Nathalie, GODDÉRIS Yves
The “crème brûlée” sampler: A new high-resolution method for the fast vertical sampling of intertidal fine sediments ACL 2015 LAVIALE Martin, EZEQUIEL Joao, PAIS Antonio, CARTAXANA P, SERODIO Joao
Photoacclimation state determines the photobehaviour of motile microalgae: The case of a benthic diatom ACL 2015 EZEQUIEL Joao, LAVIALE Martin, FRANKENBACH Silja, CARTAXANA P, SERODIO Joao
Photoinhibition in benthic diatom assemblages under light stress ACL 2013 CARTAXANA P, DOMINGUES N, CRUZ S, JESUS Bruno, LAVIALE Martin, ... (+2)
Biogeochemical cycles OS 2015 BERTRAND J-c, BONIN P, CAUMETTE P, GATTUSO Jean-pierre, GRÉGORI G, ... (+4)
The use of fluorescent Nile red and BODIPY for lipid measurement in microalgae ACL 2015 RUMIN Judith, BONNEFOND Hubert, SAINT-JEAN Bruno, ROUXEL Catherine, SCIANDRA Antoine, ... (+3)
A new PROVOR float for new applications: Examples of the ProVal and ProIce floats AFF 2015 PENKERC'H Christophe, LEYMARIE Edouard, SCHAEFFER Christophe, MAREC Claudie, DAVID Arnaud, ... (+4)
Exploitation of Bio-Argo floats as support for bio-regions definition AFF 2015 SERRA Romain, MANGIN Antoine, CLAUSTRE Herve, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio
How Bio-Argo profiling floats can help to improve our understanding of mean chlorophyll seasonal distribution? A case study in the Mediterranean Sea AFF 2015 LAVIGNE Héloïse, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, RIBERA D'ALCALÀ Maurizio, CLAUSTRE Herve, SAUZEDE Raphaelle, ... (+1)
Bio-Argo floats: Data management in progress AFF 2015 SCHMECHTIG Catherine, POTEAU Antoine, CLAUSTRE Herve, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, BUCK Justin, ... (+1)
Seasonal dynamics of bio-optical properties in various hydrological and trophic conditions: An illustration of the potential of Bio-Argo floats in biogeochemical studies AFF 2015 BARBIEUX Marie, UITZ Julia, BRICAUD Annick, POTEAU Antoine, OBOLENSKY Grigor, ... (+3)