Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Wind-driven upwelling of iron sustains dense blooms and food webs in the eastern Weddell Gyre ACL 2023 MOREAU Sebastien, HATTERMANN Tore, DE STEUR Laura, KAUKO Hanna,maria, AHONEN Heidi, ... (+26)
Species-specific acclimatization capacity of key traits explains global vertical distribution of seagrass species ACL 2023 MINGUITO-FRUTOS Mario, BOADA Jordi, PAGÈS J,f, MARCO-MÉNDEZ Candela, ARTHUR R, ... (+2)
The ocean's biological carbon pump: unexpected effect of transparent exopolymer particles COM 2017 LEGENDRE Louis, MARI Xavier, MIGON Christophe, PASSOW Uta, BURD Adrian
From Homer to SeaWiFS: a space odyssey into ocean colour COM 2019 GERNEZ Pierre, VELLUCCI Vincenzo, MIGON Christophe, HARMEL Tristan, LE BLAY F
Atmospheric deposition of trace metals to the Ligurian Sea: impact, concentration profiles and transfer to sea bottom COM 2018 MIGON Christophe, HEIMBUERGER Lars-eric, DUFOUR Aurélie, COSSA Daniel
Transparent exopolymeric particles in the ocean: sinking or not sinking, that is our question COM 2017 LEGENDRE Louis, MARI Xavier, PASSOW Uta, MIGON Christophe, BURD Adrian
Benchmark of image classification using several large plankton datasets: Convolutional Neural Networks improve detection of rare taxa COM 2021 PANAIOTIS Thelma, BONIFACE-CHANG Guillaume, DULAC-ARNOLD Gabriel, BLANC Benjamin, BIARD Tristan, ... (+10)
Spatio-temporal variability in Paramuricea clavata population genetics reveals connectivity variability in Ligurian sea COM 2021 GUIZIEN K, PADRON Mariana, FAUVELOT Cecile
Correction of the estimation of the volume of copepods from 2-dimensional in situ images COM 2021 DUBOIS Cédric, IRISSON Jean-olivier, DEBREUVE E
Working towards integration of new data describing biological essential ocean variables from marine coastal ecosystems COM 2021 CRÉACH Véronique, CABRERA Patricia, ARTIGAS Luis,felipe, GRÉGORI Gérald, IRISSON Jean-olivier, ... (+7)
Med-BGC MIP: A Mediterranean Biogeochemical models comparison COM 2021 PALMIÉRI J, MIGNOT Alexandre, DUTAY J,c, RICHON Camille, MACÍAS Diego, ... (+15)
Exploring and exploiting new tools for functional trait extraction from in situ plankton images COM 2021 ORENSTEIN Eric, MAPS Frédéric, AYATA Sakina-dorothée, IRISSON Jean-olivier
Using new observations and Machine Learning to improve organic sinking processes in the PlankTOM global ocean biogeochemical model AFF 2021 DENVIL-SOMMER A, LE QUÉRÉ C, BUITENHUIS E,t, GUIDI Lionel, IRISSON Jean-olivier
The AtlantECO project and imaging activities COM 2021 GUIDI Lionel
télédétection couleur de l'eau ; couplage in situ/satellite COM 2021 VILGRAIN Laure, MAPS Frédéric, TRUDNOWSKA Emilia, BASEDOW Sunnje,limnea, MADOUI Amin, ... (+3)
Projet TOSCA OSYNICO : Optimisation et SYNergie des données In situ et COuleur de l'eau pour l'étude de la dynamique biogéochimique des eaux côtières COM 2021 VANTREPOTTE Vincent, TRAN Trung,kien, LOISEL Hubert, JAMET Cédric, SCHMITT François, ... (+8)
A decade of observations and achievements of the MOOSE observatory in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea COM 2021 BOSSE Antony, COPPOLA Laurent, TESTOR Pierre, AUBERT D, CARLOTTI François, ... (+6)
Easily Interpretable, Non-parametric Sample Transformation for Classification ACTI 2022 DUBOIS Cédric, IRISSON Jean-olivier, DEBREUVE E
Pioneers of plankton research: Salvatore Lo Bianco (1860–1910) ACL 2023 DOLAN John,r
Life cycle assessment of an innovative rotating biofilm technology for microalgae production: An eco-design approach ACL 2023 PENARANDA Diego, BONNEFOND Hubert, GUIHÉNEUF Freddy, MORALES Marjorie, BERNARD Olivier
Theoretical growth rate of microalgae under high/low-flashing light ACL 2023 FIERRO ULLOA J,ignacio, LU Liu-di, BERNARD Olivier
Author Correction: Airborne microplastic particles detected in the remote marine atmosphere ACL 2021 TRAINIC Miri, FLORES J,michel, PINKAS Iddo, PEDROTTI Maria-luiza, LOMBARD Fabien, ... (+6)
Author Correction: Surface properties of SAR11 bacteria facilitate grazing avoidance ACL 2017 DADON-PILOSOF A, CONLEY K, JACOBI Yuval, HABER Markus, LOMBARD Fabien, ... (+9)
Towards a computational ecology of plankton AP 2020 IRISSON Jean-olivier
Influence du couplage physique-biologie sur la dynamique des écosystèmes pélagiques et la distribution du plancton marin AP 2017 AYATA Sakina-dorothée
Impact des changements environnementaux sur les organismes et communautés benthiques et pélagiques AP 2022 GAZEAU Frederic
Construction et validation des modèles en biologie : vers une nouvelle génération d'expériences AP 2004 BERNARD Olivier
Changements à long terme de la biomasse algale dans l’océan mondial, et implications sur le cycle du carbone; de l’optique marine à la biogéochimie de l’océan global AP 2005 ANTOINE David
The Biological Pump: size matters AP 2008 STEMMANN Lars