Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Vertical structure of plankton communities in areas of European eel larvae distribution in the Sargasso Sea ACL 2018 MUNK Peter, NIELSEN T,g, JASPERS Cornelia, AYALA Daniel,j, TANG K,w, ... (+2)
Using 3D modeling and remote sensing capabilities for a better understanding of spatio-temporal heterogeneities of phytoplankton abundance in large lakes ACL 2018 SOULIGNAC Frédéric, DANIS P-a, BOUFFARD Damien, CHANUDET Vincent, DAMBRINE Etienne, ... (+6)
Need for focus on microbial species following ice melt and changing freshwater regimes in a Janus Arctic Gateway ACL 2018 JOLI Nathalie, GOSSELIN Michel, ARDYNA Mathieu, BABIN Marcel, ONDA Deo,florence, ... (+2)
Sensitive determination of the dissolved phosphate pool for an improved resolution of its vertical variability in the surface layer: New views in the P-depleted Mediterranean Sea ACL 2018 DJAOUDI Kahina, VAN WAMBEKE France, COPPOLA Laurent, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, HELIAS-NUNIGE S, ... (+5)
Iron from a submarine source impacts the productive layer of the Western Tropical South Pacific (WTSP) ACL 2018 GUIEU Cecile, BONNET Sophie, PETRENKO A, MENKES C, CHAVAGNAC Valérie, ... (+3)
Mesopelagic iron remineralization patterns in high-latitude, low-iron and low-latitude, high-iron oceanic regions COM 2018 BRESSAC Matthieu, ELLWOOD Michael, FOURQUEZ Marion, MASQUÉ Péré, PUIGCORBÉ Viena, ... (+6)
How do microalgae perceive light in a high-rate pond? Towards more realistic Lagrangian experiments ACL 2018 DEMORY David, COMBE Charlotte, HARTMANN Philipp, TALEC Amélie, PRUVOST Eric, ... (+9)
Multiple stressors and benthic harmful algal blooms (BHABs): potential effects of temperature rise and nutrient enrichment ACL 2018 FRICKE Anna, PEY A, GIANNI F, LEMEE Rodolphe, MANGIALAJO Luisa
Impact of ocean acidification on the biogeochemistry and meiofaunal assemblage of carbonate-rich sediments: Results from core incubations (Bay of Villefranche, NW Mediterranean Sea) ACL 2018 RASSMANN Jens, LANSARD Bruno, GAZEAU Frederic, GUIDI-GUILVARD Laurence, POZZATO L, ... (+3)
A laboratory study on the generation of estuarine negatively, neutrally and positively buoyant bio-mediated flocs ACL 2018 LEFEBVRE Jean-pierre, MARI Xavier, VAN THUOC Chu
Distribution and rates of nitrogen fixation in the western tropical South Pacific Ocean constrained by nitrogen isotope budgets ACL 2018 KNAPP A,n, MCCABE K,m, GROSSO O, LEBLOND Nathalie, MOUTIN Thierry, ... (+1)
N2 fixation as a dominant new N source in the western tropical South Pacific Ocean (OUTPACE cruise) ACL 2018 CAFFIN M, MOUTIN Thierry, FOSTER R,a, BOURUET-AUBERTOT Pascale, DOGLIOLI Andrea, ... (+9)
Mammoth grazers on the ocean’s minuteness: a review of selective feeding using mucous meshes ACL 2018 CONLEY Keats,r, LOMBARD Fabien, SUTHERLAND Kelly,r
Reduction of herbivorous fish pressure can facilitate focal algal species forestation on artificial structures ACL 2018 GIANNI F, BARTOLINI F, AIROLDI Laura, MANGIALAJO Luisa
Allelopathic interactions between the benthic toxic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata and a co-occurring diatom ACL 2018 TERNON Eva, PAVAUX Anne-sophie, MARRO Sophie, THOMAS Olivier,p, LEMEE Rodolphe
Evaluation of sea-surface photosynthetically available radiation algorithms under various sky conditions and solar elevations ACL 2018 SOMAYAJULA Srikanth,ayyala, DEVRED Emmanuel, BÉLANGER Simon, ANTOINE David, VELLUCCI Vincenzo, ... (+1)
Parameterization of the response of calcification to temperature and pCO2 in the coral Acropora pulchra and the alga Lithophyllum kotschyanum. ACL 2016 COMEAU Steeve, CARPENTER Robert,c, LANTZ Coulson, EDMUNDS Peter,j
Marine heatwave causes unprecedented regional mass bleaching of thermally resistant corals in northwest Australia. ACL 2017 LE NOHAIC M, ROSS C,l, CORNWALL Christopher,e, COMEAU Steeve, LOWE Ryan,j, ... (+2)
The role of natural variability in shaping the response of coral reef organisms to climate change ACL 2017 RIVEST Emily,b, COMEAU Steeve, CORNWALL Christopher,e
Organisms composing an experimental coral reef community from Mo’orea, French Polynesia, exhibit taxon-specific net production: net calcification ratios. ACL 2017 LANTZ Coulson, CARPENTER Robert,c, COMEAU Steeve, EDMUNDS Peter,j
Complex and interactive effects of ocean acidification and warming on epilithic and endolithic coral reef turf algal assemblages ACL 2017 JOHNSON M,d, COMEAU Steeve, LANTZ Coulson, SMITH J,e
Coral calcifying fluid pH is modulated by seawater carbonate chemistry not solely seawater pH ACL 2017 COMEAU Steeve, TAMBUTTÉ E, CARPENTER Robert,c, EDMUNDS Peter,j, EVENSEN Nicolas, ... (+4)
Decoupling between the response of coral calcifying fluid chemistry and calcification to ocean acidification ACL 2017 COMEAU Steeve, CORNWALL Christopher,e, MCCULLOCH Malcolm,t
Coral resistance to ocean acidification linked to increased calcium at the site of calcification ACL 2018 DE CARLO T,m, COMEAU Steeve, CORNWALL Christopher,e, MCCULLOCH M
Saturation of water reflectance in extremely turbid media based on field measurements, satellite data and bio-optical modelling ACL 2018 LUO Yafei, DOXARAN David, RUDDICK Kevin, SHEN F, GENTILI Bernard, ... (+2)
The role of pottery in Middle Neolithic societies of western Mediterranean (Sardinia, Italy, 4500-4000 cal BC) revealed through an integrated morphometric, use-wear, biomolecular and isotopic approach ACL 2018 FANTI Laura, DRIEU Léa, MAZUY Arnaud, BLASCO Thierry, LUGLIÈ Carlo, ... (+1)
Hydrography and biogeochemistry dedicated to the Mediterranean BGC-Argo network during a cruise with RV Tethys 2 in May 2015 ACL 2018 TAILLANDIER Vincent, WAGENER Thibault, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, MAYOT Nicolas, LEGOFF Herve, ... (+10)
Bacterial-viral interactions in the sea surface microlayer of a black carbon-dominated tropical coastal ecosystem (Halong Bay, Vietnam) ACL 2018 RAM A,s,p, MARI Xavier, BRUNE Justine, TORRÉTON J-p, CHU V,t, ... (+3)
A time-space model for the growth of microalgae biofilms for biofuel production ACL 2017 POLIZZI Bastien, BERNARD Olivier, RIBOT Magali
Biological and physical influences on marine snowfall at the equator ACL 2017 STEMMANN Lars, PICHERAL Marc, BIASTOCH Arne, OSCHLIES Andreas, KIKO Rainer, ... (+9)