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Références (43)
Guieu C, Ridame C, Pulido-Villena E, Wagener T, Bressac M, Dulac F, Desboeufs K, Blain S, Brunet C, Obernosterer I, Wuttig K, Ye Y, Baudoux A-C, Pondaven P, Biegala IC (2012) Atmospheric deposition onto oligotrophic marine systems : new insights from mesocosm studies. MESOAQUA international Symposium on Recent achievements and future directions in Aquatic Mesocosm Researc. Heraklion, Grèce, 2012
Guieu C, Desboeufs K, Dulac F, Gazeau F, Mallet M, Pulido-Villena E (2012) Guieu Cécile, Desboeufs Karine, Dulac François, Gazeau Frédéric, Mallet Marc, Pulido−Villena Elvira, Wagener Thibaut A plan for a SOLAS campaign across the Mediterranean Sea in 2015 par, SOLAS Open Science Conference, Cle Elum, Seattle, USA, 2012. (Affiche/poster). .
Guieu C, Ridame C, Pulido-Villena E, Blain S, Wagener T, Dulac K, Desboeufs K, Pondaven P, Leblond N, Stemmann L, Obernosterer I, Dominici J-M (2011) Dust inputs and marine carbon cycle: new insights from mesocosms study. ASLO 2011 Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Porto Rico 18 February-13 February 2011
Guieu C, Dulac K, Desboeufs K, Wagener T, Pulido-Villena E, Grisoni J-M, Louis F, Ridame C, Blain S, Brunet C, Nguyen EB, Tran S, Labiadh M, Dominici J-M (2010) Large clean mesocosms and simulated dust deposition: a new methodology to investigate responses of marine oligotrophic ecosystems to atmospheric inputs. Biogeosciences 7: 2765-2784 | doi: 10.5194/bg-7-2765-2010
Sarthou G, Desboeufs K, Ridame C, Bucciarelli E, Pondaven P, Guieu C, Aumont O, Chever F, Dimier C, Gallinari M, Godrant A, Journet E, Paris R, Pulido-Villena E, Simonucci C, Stephens N, Wagener T (2009) BOA: Biogeochemistry at the Ocean-Atmosphere interface. Interactions between at-mospheric inputs of iron and food web. Réunion SOLAS-France. Paris, France 22-23 June 2009
Guieu C, Pulido-Villena E, Wagener T, Grisoni J-M, Luquet D, Ridame C, Deschâtre M, Blain S, Brunet C (2009) DUNE project (a DUst experiment in a low Nutrient, low chlorophyll Ecosystem) : results from the first field campaign. ASLO 2009 Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Nice, France 25-30 January 2009
Guieu C, Dulac K, Ridame C, Pondaven P, Pulido-Villena E, Loÿe-Pilot MD, Bergametti G, Desboeufs K, Losno R, Wagener T, Nguyen EB, Louis F, Grisoni J-M, Luquet D (2008) DUNE (a DUst experiment in a low Nutrient, low chlorophyll Ecosystem): Presentation of the project and results from its pilot phase. EGU General Assembly 2008. Vienne, Autriche 13-18 April 2008
Guieu C, Blain S, Dulac K, Obernosterer I, Bergametti G, Desboeufs K, Loÿe-Pilot MD, Losno R, Pulido-Villena E, Ridame C (2007) The DUNE project: a DUst experiment in a low Nutrient, low chlorophyll Ecosystem. 1st Mediterranean-HyMeX workshop. Toulouse, France 09-11 January 2007
Guieu C, Blain S, Dulac K, Obernosterer I, Bergametti G, Desboeufs K, Loÿe-Pilot MD, Losno R, Pulido-Villena E, Ridame C (2007) The DUNE project: a DUst experiment in a low Nutrient, low chlorophyll Ecosystem - XIAMEN. Open Science Conference SOLAS 2007. Xiamen, Chine 06-07 March 2007