Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
European prospects for a geostationary ocean color sensor: the “ocean color advanced permanent imager” (OCAPI) COM 2013 ANTOINE David
European prospects for a geostationary ocean color sensor: the “Geostationary Ocean Color Advanced Permanent Imager” GeOCAPI INV 2016 ANTOINE David
Scientific and operational uses of Sentinel3 “Ocean & Land Colour Imager” (OLCI) observations INV 2016 ANTOINE David
Reflectance bidirectionality in coastal turbid waters INV 2014 ANTOINE David, LEYMARIE Edouard, DOXARAN David, MARTY Sabine, GENTILI Bernard
A deeper and greener mixed layer in the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre (decadal variability of phytoplankton biomass) INV 2013 ANTOINE David, MARTINEZ Elodie, RAITSOS D,e
Remote sensing reflectance anomalies in the ocean ACL 2016 HUOT Yannick, ANTOINE David
La formation des sols des grandes surfaces continentales planes agit sur l’évolution climatique de la Terre AP 2015 VIGIER Nathalie, GODDÉRIS Yves
Paleo-Variation of Lithium Isotope Geochemistry during Basalt Weathering in Hawaii, Goldschmidt Conference 2014, po AFF 2014 RYU Jong-sik, VIGIER Nathalie, LEE S-w, CHADWICK O, LEE Kwang-sik
Investigating Li isotope composition of Nile deltaic sediments as paleotracer of continental alteration AFF 2015 BASTIAN Luc, REVEL Marie, VIGIER Nathalie
Intra-Shell Variability of Magnesium Isotope Compositions in Brachiopod Shells AFF 2015 ROLLION-BARD C, SAULNIER S, VIGIER Nathalie, SCHUMACHER A, CHAUSSIDON M, ... (+1)
Links between Continental Weathering and Climate in the Nile Basin Since 30 ka AFF 2016 BASTIAN Luc, REVEL Marie, BAYON G, DUFOUR Aurélie, VIGIER Nathalie
Flat Continents, Weathering, and Climate Regulation AFF 2016 MAFFRE Pierre, GODDÉRIS Yves, DONNADIEU Yannick, LADANT Jean-baptiste, CARRETIER Sébastien, ... (+2)
Experimental Investigation of Mg Isotope Fractionation during Mineral Dissolution and Clay Formation AFF 2016 RYU Jong-sik, VIGIER Nathalie, DECARREAU Alain, LEE S-w, SONG H, ... (+1)
The role of sediments stored in valleys in modulating the Quaternary weathering flux variations AFF 2017 CARRETIER Sébastien, GODDÉRIS Yves, VIGIER Nathalie, MAFFRE Pierre
New Constraints on K-Pg Boundary Environmental Changes with Li Isotopes COM 2013 VIGIER Nathalie, RAVIZZA G,e, NAGASHIMA K, NORRIS R,d, PETIT Sabine, ... (+2)
A new approach for modeling the Cenozoic oceanic lithium isotope paleo-variations : the key role of climate INV 2014 VIGIER Nathalie, GODDÉRIS Yves
New Constraints on K-Pg boundary Environmental Changes with Lithium Isotopes COM 2014 VIGIER Nathalie, RAVIZZA G,e, NAGASHIMA K, NORRIS R,d, PETIT Sabine, ... (+2)
The Use of Lithium and its Isotopes in Foraminifera as Proxies for the Past Ocean DIC COM 2015 EREZ J, ROLLION-BARD C, VIGIER Nathalie, LEVENSON Y, LEVENSON S
Past and Modern Weathering Conditions in the Murrumbidgee Basin (Australia) COM 2016 ROTHACKER L, DOSSETO Anthony, CHIVAS A, VIGIER Nathalie
Impact of an in situ Acidification Experiment on Benthic Foraminifera Ecology and their Calcite Geochemistry COM 2016 VIGIER Nathalie, BARRAS Christine, COX Tracy,erin, GAZEAU Frederic, ROLLION-BARD C, ... (+7)
Chemical weathering of flat continents COM 2017 MAFFRE Pierre, GODDÉRIS Yves, LADANT Jean-baptiste, CARRETIER Sébastien, MOQUET Jean-sébastien, ... (+3)
Investigating Li isotope composition of Nile deltaic sediments as paleotracer of continental alteration ACTI 2015 BASTIAN Luc, REVEL Marie, VIGIER Nathalie
Boussole status COM 2017 VELLUCCI Vincenzo, ANTOINE David
ProVal, First data from a new Argo profiler dedicated to high quality radiometric measurements COM 2017 LEYMARIE Edouard, PENKERC'H Christophe, VELLUCCI Vincenzo, LEREBOURG Christophe, ANTOINE David, ... (+1)
Implementation of OLCI level 2 products validation COM 2016 LEREBOURG Christophe, BOURG Ludovic, LAMQUIN Nicolas, CHAPRON Bertrand, MANGIN Antoine, ... (+6)
Fourth MERIS data reprocessing COM 2016 GORYL P, BOUVET M, DELWART S, HUOT J,p, BOURG Ludovic, ... (+17)
Boussole uncertainty COM 2017 BIALEK Agnieszka, VELLUCCI Vincenzo, GENTILI Bernard, ANTOINE David, FOX N
BOUSSOLE - uncertainty budget re-evaluation COM 2016 BIALEK Agnieszka, VELLUCCI Vincenzo, GENTILI Bernard, ANTOINE David, FOX N
Boussole data processing COM 2017 ANTOINE David, VELLUCCI Vincenzo, LEYMARIE Edouard, GENTILI Bernard
Boussole overview COM 2017 ANTOINE David, VELLUCCI Vincenzo