Elements : 6125
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Exploring the utility of high resolution “nano-” computed tomography imaging to place quantitative constraints on shell biometric changes in marine pteropods in response to ocean acidification AFF 2014 EAGLE R, HOWES Ella,louise, LISCHKA S, RUDOLF R, BIJMA J, ... (+2)
Decoupled carbonate chemistry controls on the incorporation of boron into Orbulina universa COM 2014 HOWES Ella,louise, RAITZSCH M, MEWES A, KACZMAREK K, BIJMA J, ... (+2)
Unravelling the molecular mechanisms of coral calcification COM 2014 MOYA Aurélie, HUISMAN J, GATTUSO Jean-pierre, KAANDORP J, FORET S, ... (+1)
Drivers of and responses to ocean acidification INV 2014 GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Seasonal and decadal variability of nutrient concentration: data from the DYFAMED station (Ligurian Sea) COM 2014 PASQUERON DE FOMMERVAULT Orens, MIGON Christophe, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, COPPOLA Laurent
Monitoring of deep convection and phytoplankton bloom processes in theNorth western Mediterranean Sea using biogeochemical profiling floats AFF 2014 PASQUERON DE FOMMERVAULT Orens, TAILLANDIER Vincent, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, LAVIGNE Héloïse, MIGON Christophe
Tintinnid ciliates of the marine plankton. OS 2014 DOLAN John,r, PIERCE R,w
The effect of photosynthesis time scales on microalgae productivity ACL 2014 HARTMANN Philipp, BÉCHET Quentin, BERNARD Olivier
Autonomous sensors to quantify remineralization rates and the mesopelagic carbon flux COM 2014 BITTIG Henry, FIEDLER Björn, KÖRTZINGER Arne, POTEAU Antoine, SCHMECHTIG Catherine, ... (+2)
Satellites and robots chasing microbes in the oceans COM 2013 LEGENDRE Louis
Revisiting planktonic ecological succession using a novel whole plankton data series COM 2014 ROMAGNAN Jean-baptiste, GUIDI Lionel, LEGENDRE Louis, STEMMANN Lars, GORSKY Gabriel
Control of phytoplankton bloom by winter conditions in a Mediterranean coastal area : results from a long-term study (1979-2011). COM 2014 GOFFART Anne, HECQ Jean-henri, LEGENDRE Louis
Villefranche Oceanography Laboratory COM 2014 LEGENDRE Louis
Tiny marine microbes: large-scale and long-term effects in the ocean COM 2014 LEGENDRE Louis
The Mediterranean Sea: An alternative ocean. INV 2013 LEGENDRE Louis, PRIEUR Louis
Becoming and remaining creative, successful researchers. INV 2013 LEGENDRE Louis
From marine microbes to ocean biogeochemistry and carbon sequestration. INV 2014 LEGENDRE Louis
Scientific research and discovery: Process and practice INV 2014 LEGENDRE Louis
Some of the "secrets" of successful researchers COM 2014 LEGENDRE Louis
Phytoplankton Responses to Nitrogen and Iron Limitation in the Western Pacific and the World Ocean COM 2014 LI Qian, LEGENDRE Louis, JIAO Nianzhi
Significance of the microbial carbon pump in the globally changing ocean COM 2014 LEGENDRE Louis, RIVKIN R,b, WEINBAUER Markus,g, GUIDI Lionel, UITZ Julia
Ocean-Atmosphere interactions of particles OS 2013 DE LEEUW Gerrit, GUIEU Cecile, ARNETH A, BELLOUIN N, BOPP Laurent, ... (+15)
Introduction to project DUNE, a DUst experiment in a low Nutrient, low chlorophyll Ecosystem ACL 2014 GUIEU Cecile, DULAC F, RIDAME Céline, PONDAVEN P
Qualitative behavior of stage-structured populations: application to structural validation ACL 1998 BERNARD Olivier, SOUISSI S
Rôle du système advection/diffusion sur la production primaire en zone frontale AP 1994 ZAKARDJIAN Bruno
Contribution des organismes macrozooplanctoniques au flux de la matière organique AP 1995 YOON W,d
Analyse temporelle du mésozooplancton dans la rade de Villefranche-sur-Mer à l'aide d'un nouveau système automatique d'imagerie numérique, le Zooscan: influence des apports particulaires, de la production primaire et des facteurs environnementaux AP 2005 WAREMBOURG Caroline
Le fer à l'interface océan-atmosphère: Flux et processus de dissolution dans l'eau de mer AP 2008 WAGENER Thibault
Variabilité spatiale et temporelle des marqueurs pigmentaires des communautés autotrophes en Méditerranée. Implications biogéochimiques AP 1998 VIDUSSI Franscesca