Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Organic matter dynamics during the 2010 Svalbard mesocosm campaign COM 2011 SCHULZ K,g, BELLERBY R,g,j, ENGEL A, GATTUSO Jean-pierre, HESSEN D, ... (+4)
Contribution to the Mediterranean Sea water and heat budget definition: links between the Tyrrhenian and the Liguro-Provencal subbasins COM 2010 SCHROEDER Katrin, SPARNOCCHIA S, COPPOLA Laurent, GASPARINI G,p, BORGHINI M
PLANKTON IDENTIFIER : a software for automatic recognition of planktonic organisms AP 2007 GASPARINI Stéphane
Etude expérimentale et modélisation de l'écophysiologie de l'appendiculaire Oikopleura dioica AP 2006 LOMBARD Fabien
Circadian rhythms of photosynthesis in marine diatom Thalassiosira weisflogii under nitrogen replete and deplete conditions COM 2007 KASALICKY V, ROTTNEROV K, SCIANDRA Antoine, BABIN Marcel, PRASIL O
BOA: Biogeochemistry at the Ocean-Atmosphere interface. Interactions between at-mospheric inputs of iron and food web COM 2009 SARTHOU Géraldine, DESBOEUFS Karine, RIDAME Céline, BUCCIARELLI E, PONDAVEN P, ... (+12)
Determination of sediment trap efficiency with 230Thxs in the Mediterranean Sea COM 2011 ROY-BARMAN M, THIL F, SICRE Marie-alexandrine, MIQUEL Juan-carlos, COPPOLA Laurent
Environmental controls on large-scale variation in copepod diversity COM 2009 ROMBOUTS Isabelle, BEAUGRAND Grégory, IBANEZ Frédéric, GASPARINI Stéphane, LEGENDRE Louis
Response of the mediterranean coral Cladocora caespitosa to mid- and long-term exposure to elevated pCO2 and temperature COM 2009 RODOLFO-METALPA R, MARTIN Sophie, FERRIER-PAGÈS Christine, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Calcification of two shallow-water Mediterranean corals in the face of ocean acidification COM 2010 RODOLFO-METALPA R, HOULBRÈQUE F, TAMBUTTÉ E, BOISSON F, FINE M, ... (+3)
Selective grazing by microzooplankton : effects on biogeochemical fluxes in the upper ocean COM 2009 RIVKIN R,b, MICHELLE S,h, KEATS K, LEGENDRE Louis
Microbial dynamics and response to a changing polar ocean climate COM 2008 RIVKIN R,b, LEGENDRE Louis
Impact des apports atmosphériques désertiques sur la diazotrophie en Méditerranée COM 2009 RIDAME Céline, TERNON Eva, DEKAEZEMACKER J, BIEGALA I,c, GUIEU Cecile, ... (+1)
Effect of ocean acidification on Emiliania huxleyi calcification: a molecular approach COM 2009 RICHIER Sophie, FIORINI Sarah, KERROS Marie-emmanuelle, GAZEAU Frederic, MIDDELBURG J,j, ... (+1)
Effect of elevated pCO2 on the boron isotopic composition of the Mediterranean scleractinian coral Cladocora caespitosa COM 2010 REYNAUD S, MARTIN Sophie, MONTAGNA P, RODOLFO-METALPA R, MCCULLOCH M, ... (+2)
Pelagic ecosystem modelling in the Ligurian Sea during the DYNAPROC 2 cruise (Sep-Oct 2004). Centre de Ressources Halieutique (CRH) COM 2009 RAYBAUD Virginie, NIVAL Paul, PRIEUR Louis, ANDERSEN Valérie
Modelling of ontogenic DVM of zooplankton during the DYNAPROC 2 cruise (Ligurian Sea) COM 2009 RAYBAUD Virginie, DELRIEU-TROTTIN E, NIVAL Paul
Simulation of the functional response of the planktonic microbial communities to nutrient additions COM 2007 RASSOULZADEGAN Fereidoun
Control of bacterial growth under carbon and mineral nutrient limited conditions. Comparison of an idealized model with mesocosms manipulated with N and P, glucose, and Si. COM 2007 RASSOULZADEGAN Fereidoun
Impact of aerosol inputs on oceanic ecosystem functioning: role of heterotrophic bacteria COM 2008 PULIDO-VILLENA Elvira, WAGENER Thibault, GUIEU Cecile
Fertilisation par des poussières sahariennes en larges mésocosmes propres: Réponse bactérienne pendant la la campagne DUNE 1 COM 2009 PULIDO-VILLENA Elvira
PROSAT: Etude de faisabilité de l’application de méthodes d’exploitation conjointe des séries de profils in situ (CTD au point fixe, profils ARGO) et des séries d’image satellitaires (SST,SChla) aux fins de l’Océanographie Opérationnelle COM 2009 PRIEUR Louis, CANIAUX Guy, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, LAVIGNE Héloïse, GIORDANI Hervé
Small scale, physical and biogeochemical observations of ocean COM 2007 PRIEUR Louis
Zooplankton response to NW Mediterranean hydroclimatic changes from 1966 to 2010 COM 2011 VANDROMME Pieter, STEMMANN Lars, GARCIA COMAS Carmen, MOUSSEAU Laure, PREJGER Franck, ... (+3)
The Ocean below reducing uncertainty in satellite ocean color products with measurements made from gliders and floats COM 2009 PERRY Mary-jane, CLAUSTRE Herve, JOHNSON Ken,s, LEE C, D’ASARO E, ... (+2)
Lipid classes metabolism of the Arctic amphipod Themisto libellula: growth and environmental influences COM 2008 NOYON Margaux, GASPARINI Stéphane, MAYZAUD Patrick
Vertical migration strategies of some zooplankton species in the Ligurian Sea and consequences COM 2009 NIVAL Paul, RAYBAUD Virginie, DELRIEU-TROTTIN E, ANDERSEN Valérie
Evolution of the mixed layer in theAmundsen Gulf and Beaufort Sea COM 2010 NAHAVANDIAN ISTAPHAN S, GRATTON Y, PRIEUR Louis
Influence of nutrient limitation and CO2 on the cell and coccolith volume of coccolithophores: Implications for the sediment record ? COM 2011 MÜLLER M,n, BERNARD Olivier, SCIANDRA Antoine
The Mediterranean Sea as a typical P-low Chlorophyll oligotrophic system: overview ans preliminary results of the BOUM Experiment COM 2010 MOUTIN Thierry, PRIEUR Louis