Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Ion-Dipole Complex Formation from deprotonated Phenol Fatty Acid Esters evidenced by using gaz-phase labelling combined with Mass Spectrometry ACL 1993 FOURNIER F, REMAUD B, BLASCO Thierry, TABET J,c
Resonance excitation in a quadrupole Ion Trap : modifications of competing dissociative channel yields ACL 1996 LIERE P, MARCH R,e, BLASCO Thierry, TABET J,c
In-Source Fragmentation of Very Labile Peptides in Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry ACL 2009 SACHON Emmanuelle, CLODIC Gilles, BLASCO Thierry, JACQUOT Y, BOLBACH Gerard
U-decay series and trace element systematics in the 1978 eruption of Ardoukoba, Asal rift : timescale of magma crystallization ACL 1999 VIGIER Nathalie, BOURDON Bernard, JORON J-l
Determination of thorium and uranium isotope ratios in low-level geological materials using a plasma-ionisation, sector magnet, mass spectrometer ACL 2001 TURNER Simon, VAN CALSTEREN P, VIGIER Nathalie, THOMAS L,e
Erosion timescales derived from U-decay series measurements in rivers ACL 2001 VIGIER Nathalie, BOURDON Bernard, TURNER Simon, ALLEGRE C,j
Quantifying Li isotope fractionation during smectite formation and implications for the Li cycle. ACL 2008 VIGIER Nathalie, DECARREAU Alain, MILLOT Romain, CARIGNAN J, PETIT Sabine, ... (+1)
A new method for analysis of osmium isotopes and concentrations in surface and subsurface water samples. ACL 2009 PAUL M, REISBERG Laurie, VIGIER Nathalie
Constraining rates of chemical and physical erosion using U-Series radionuclides. OS 2011 VIGIER Nathalie, BOURDON Bernard
Behavior of osmium at the freshwater–saltwater interface based on Ganga derived sediments from the estuarine zone. ACL 2011 PAUL M, REISBERG Laurie, VIGIER Nathalie, FRANCE-LANORD Christian
Lithium isotopes as tracers in marine and terrestrial environments OS 2011 BURTON K,w, VIGIER Nathalie
The effect of Ostreopsis cf. ovata, a toxic benthic dinoflagellate, on phytal meiofauna from the coastal NW Mediterranean Sea. COM 2013 GUIDI-GUILVARD Laurence, GASPARINI Stéphane, LEMEE Rodolphe
Origin and spatial distribution of CDOM in a tropical lagoon subjected to natural and anthropogenic impacts COM 2013 DUPOUY Cécile, MARIE L, FUCHS R, TEDETTI Marc, GOUTX Madeleine, ... (+2)
Determination of backscattering coefficient of phytoplankton from measurements of Cytosense cytometer AFF 2012 DUFORET Lucile, GUISELIN Natacha, ALVAIN Séverine, BRICAUD Annick, THYSSEN Melilotus, ... (+1)
Decomposition of in situ particulate absorption spectra AFF 2012 CHASE Alison, BOSS Emmanuel, ZANEVELD J,ronald, BRICAUD Annick, CLAUSTRE Herve, ... (+1)
Absorption budget of the Arctic Ocean AFF 2012 MATSUOKA Atsushi, BABIN Marcel, BÉLANGER Simon, DOXARAN David, HILL Victoria, ... (+1)
Estimating concentrations of dissolved organic carbon for southern Beaufort Sea waters using satellite ocean color remote sensing COM 2012 MATSUOKA Atsushi, HOOKER Stanford,b, BRICAUD Annick, GENTILI Bernard, BABIN Marcel
Obituary: André Morel ASCL 2013 ANTOINE David, BRICAUD Annick
Les promesses des microalgues pour la production de biodiesel OS 2013 SCIANDRA Antoine, PELTIER Gilles
Photoperiod length shapes the carbon-nitrogen metabolism in Crocosphera watsonii AFF 2012 DRON Anthony, RABOUILLE Sophie, CLAQUIN Pascal, SCIANDRA Antoine
Morphological and ribosomal DNA-based characterization of six Antarctic ciliate 5 morphopecies from the Amundsen Sea with phylogenetic analyses ACL 2013 KIM S,y, CHOI Joong,ki, DOLAN John,r, SHIN H,c, LEE S-h, ... (+1)
Cis-regulatory analysis of nodal and maternal control of dorsal-ventral axis formation by Univin, a TGF-beta related to Vg1 ACL 2007 RANGE R, LAPRAZ F, QUIRIN M, MARRO Sophie, BESNARDEAU L, ... (+1)
Evaluation of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) for discrimination of Coxiella burnetii ruminant strains isolated in France ACL 2009 SIDI-BOUMEDINE K, DUQUESNE V, FERNANDES I, MARRO Sophie, THIERY R
Influence of body mass, food concentration, temperature and filtering activity on the oxygen uptake of the appendicularian Oikopleura dioica ACL 2005 LOMBARD Fabien, SCIANDRA Antoine, GORSKY Gabriel
Appendicularian ecophysiology. II. Modeling nutrition, metabolism, growth and reproduction of the appendicularian Oikopleura dioica ACL 2009 LOMBARD Fabien, SCIANDRA Antoine, GORSKY Gabriel
Appendicularian ecophysiology. I. Food concentration dependent clearance rate, assimilation efficiency, growth and reproduction of Oikopleura dioica ACL 2009 LOMBARD Fabien, RENAUD F, SAINSBURY C, SCIANDRA Antoine, GORSKY Gabriel
Prediction of ecological niches and carbon export by appendicularians using a new multispecies ecophysiological model ACL 2010 LOMBARD Fabien, LEGENDRE Louis, PICHERAL Marc, SCIANDRA Antoine, GORSKY Gabriel
Calibration procedures and first dataset of Southern Ocean chlorophyll a profiles collected by elephant seals equipped with a newly developed CTD-fluorescence tags ACL 2013 GUINET Christophe, XING Xiaogang, WALKER E, MONESTIEZ Pascal, MARCHAND S, ... (+11)
A spectral light absorption-based approach for detecting changes in the phytoplankton community structure at the BOUSSOLE site (Mediterranean Sea) AFF 2012 ORGANELLI Emanuele, BRICAUD Annick, ANTOINE David, UITZ Julia
The multivariate Partial Least Squares regression technique for the retrieval of algal size structure from particle and phytoplankton light absorption spectra AFF 2013 ORGANELLI Emanuele, BRICAUD Annick, ANTOINE David, UITZ Julia