Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
The ocean's biological carbon pump: unexpected effect of transparent exopolymer particles COM 2017 LEGENDRE Louis, MARI Xavier, PASSOW Uta, MIGON Christophe, BURD Adrian,b
Transparent Exopolymer Particles: Effects on carbon cycling in the ocean COM 2017 LEGENDRE Louis, MARI Xavier, PASSOW Uta, MIGON Christophe, BURD Adrian,b
Circulation of carbon from the surface ocean to sediments, including hydrothermal plumes INV 2015 LEGENDRE Louis
Microbial carbon pump and DOC: responses to environmental drivers and climate change INV 2015 LEGENDRE Louis
L’Océan pompe à carbone AP 2015 BOPP Laurent, BOWLER Chris, GUIDI Lionel, KARSENTI Eric, DE VARGAS Colomban
Combining Bioinformatics and oceanography to understand biological carbon export INV 2016 GUIDI Lionel, CHAFFRON Samuel, BITTNER Lucie, EVEILLARD Damien, RAES Eric,j, ... (+3)
The biological carbon pump: How to move beyond JGOFS? Silica Day 1 INV 2016 GUIDI Lionel
From satellite to genes: A new view of the biological carbon pump INV 2016 GUIDI Lionel
The Biological Carbon Pump from Genes to Ecosystems (Plenary) INV 2017 GUIDI Lionel
The planktonic social network of the biological carbon pump (plenary) INV 2017 GUIDI Lionel
Deep sediment resuspension and ascending carbon flux by open-ocean convection COM 2015 RAMONDENC Simon, DURRIEU DE MADRON Xavier, HOUPERT Loic, BERLINE Léo, CONAN Pascal, ... (+6)
Optical-based approach to estimate carbon sequestration in the deep ocean from surface export COM 2012 GUIDI Lionel, UITZ Julia, LEGENDRE Louis
Potential effects of ocean warming on the biological and microbial carbon pumps. COM 2012 LEGENDRE Louis, GUIDI Lionel, UITZ Julia
From ship-tethered to free drifting imaging systems; What we observed in the past and what we shall observe in the future to better understand particle flux COM 2013 STEMMANN Lars, GUIDI Lionel, BOSS Emmanuel, CLAUSTRE Herve
Variability in Plankton and Particle Size Distributions (PSDs) in different ocean basins COM 2013 ROMAGNAN Jean-baptiste, ROULLIER François, GUIDI Lionel, FOREST A, VANDROMME Pieter, ... (+4)
Particle size distributions in response to natural iron fertilisation in the Southern Ocean (Kerguelen Island)-Implication for carbon COM 2013 JOUANDET Marie-paule, GUIDI Lionel, CARLOTTI François, STEMMANN Lars, PICHERAL Marc, ... (+3)
Integrated Environmental-Omics View of the Oceanic Biological Pump COM 2014 CHAFFRON Samuel, GUIDI Lionel, BITTNER Lucie, SUNAGAWA Shinichi, AUDIC Stéphane, ... (+9)
Octopus, un capteur d'imagerie in-situ embarqué sur les flotteurs profileurs et les gliders pour la mesure des flux de particules et la biodiversité du zooplankton COM 2014 PICHERAL Marc, STEMMANN Lars, GUIDI Lionel, LEYMARIE Edouard, CLAUSTRE Herve
The “Wine-glass effect” in an ocean vortex concentrates particle export and biogeochemical fluxes COM 2015 WAITE Anya, STEMMANN Lars, HOGG Mc andrew,c, GUIDI Lionel, CALIL Paulo,h,r, ... (+4)
Rhizaria, the elusive stars of the ocean COM 2015 BIARD Tristan, STEMMANN Lars, PICHERAL Marc, MAYOT Nicolas, KIKO Rainer, ... (+5)
A global ocean metagenomic survey reveals events of vertical connectivity in oceanic microbial communities COM 2015 GUILLEM S, CORNEJO-CASTILLO Francisco,m, LOGARES Ramiro, SUNAGAWA Shinichi, IUDICONE Daniele, ... (+6)
Constraint-based approaches for systems ecology: from integrating heterogeneous omics knowledge to dynamical modeling COM 2015 GUIDI Lionel, CHAFFRON Samuel, BITTNER Lucie, EVEILLARD Damien, RAES Eric,j, ... (+3)
A new data stream to inform bio(geochemical) models? COM 2015 GEHLEN M, BOWLER Chris, GUIDI Lionel
Revealing and analyzing networks of environmental systems COM 2015 EVEILLARD Damien, BITTNER Lucie, CHAFFRON Samuel, GUIDI Lionel, RAES Eric,j, ... (+3)
Using TARA particle size distribution to estimate global carbon sequestration COM 2014 GUIDI Lionel, UITZ Julia, STEMMANN Lars, LEGENDRE Louis
Cross-shelf transport, oxygen depletion, and nitrate release within a forming mesoscale eddy in the eastern Indian Ocean COM 2015 WAITE Anya, BECKLEY L, GUIDI Lionel, LANDRUM Jason,p, HOLLIDAY David, ... (+5)
The Summer Deep Phytoplankton Bloom, the one Missed by Satellites. Ocean Sciences Meeting COM 2016 CLAUSTRE Herve, GUIDI Lionel, MIGNOT Alexandre, LACOUR Leo
The Tara Oceans Polar Circle Expedition: Macroecology of Planktonic Communities on Arctic Shelves COM 2016 KARP-BOSS Lee, DE VARGAS Colomban, STEMMANN Lars, ROMAGNAN Jean-baptiste, GRONDIN P,l, ... (+8)
Plankton networks driving carbon export in the oligotrophic ocean. COM 2016 GUIDI Lionel, CHAFFRON Samuel, BITTNER Lucie, EVEILLARD Damien, RAES Eric,j, ... (+3)
The submesoscale “wine-glass effect” concentrates particle export and biogeochemical fluxes COM 2016 WAITE Anya, STEMMANN Lars, HOGG Mc andrew,c, GUIDI Lionel, CALIL Paulo,h,r