Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Combining Photovoltaic Panels and Microalgae: How to Deflect the Excess of Solar Energy to Ensure Optimal Conditions of Light and Temperature for Growth COM 2015 BERNARD Olivier, BÉCHET Quentin, MAIRET Francis, PONCET Christine, SUAY R, ... (+13)
Does the thermal response of Micromonas species explain their niche partitioning ? AFF 2015 DEMORY David, SIMON Nathalie, BAUDOUX Anne-claire, SIX Christophe, GEI P, ... (+5)
Nitrogen and carbon fluxes in unicellular, diazotrophic cyanobacteria: from cultures to models COM 2015 RABOUILLE Sophie, TALEC Amélie, BERNARD Olivier, SCIANDRA Antoine
Réponse du phytoplancton à différentes pressions de sélection continues AP 2020 GACHELIN Manon
Assessing interacting impacts of artisanal and recreational fisheries in a small Marine Protected Area (Portofino, NW Mediterranean Sea) ACL 2016 PRATO G, BARRIER Céline, FRANCOUR Patrice, CAPPANERA Valentina, MARKANTONATOU Vasiliki, ... (+4)
Crowdfunding as a powerful tool to communicate COM 2016 SCHEURLE Carolyn, JESSIN Thomas, CLAUSTRE Herve
Short Stories About the Ocean: An Art integrated Project AFF 2016 SCHEURLE Carolyn, UITZ Julia, GUIEU Michèle
Scales and dynamics of Submesoscale Coherent Vortices formed by deep convection in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea ACL 2016 BOSSE Antony, TESTOR Pierre, HOUPERT Loic, DAMIEN Pierre, PRIEUR Louis, ... (+7)
High resolution modeling of dense water formation in the north-western Mediterranean during winter 2012-2013: Processes and budget ACL 2016 ESTOURNEL Claude, TESTOR Pierre, DAMIEN Pierre, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, MARSALEIX Patrick, ... (+10)
Budget of organic carbon in the North-Western Mediterranean open sea over the period 2004-2008 using 3-D coupled physical-biogeochemical modeling ACL 2016 ULSES Caroline, AUGER P,a, SOETAERT K, MARSALEIX Patrick, DIAZ F, ... (+4)
Estimating dense water volume and its evolution for the year 2012-2013 in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea: An observing system simulation experiment approach ACL 2016 WALDMAN Robin, SOMOT Samuel, HERRMANN Marine, TESTOR Pierre, ESTOURNEL Claude, ... (+7)
Temporal Variability of Zooplankton (2000-2013) in the Levantine Sea: Significant Changes Associated to the 2005-2010 EMT-like Event? ACL 2016 OUBA Anthony, ABBOUD-ABI SAAB Marie, STEMMANN Lars
Deep-sea meiobenthos temporal fluctuations in the NW Mediterranean (DYFAMED-BENTHOS 1993-1995) and impact of a major flood of the Var River COM 2016 GUIDI-GUILVARD Laurence, GASPARINI Stéphane
An ocean scientist at COP21 ASCL 2016 GATTUSO Jean-pierre
The cascading effects of climate-related changes in the ocean OS 2016 MAGNAN Alexandre, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Key impacts of climate engineering on biodiversity and ecosystems, with priorities for future research ACL 2016 MCCORMACK Caitlin,g, BORN Wanda, IRVINE Peter,j, ACHTERBERG E,p, AMANO Tatsuya, ... (+29)
Historical trends in the species inventory of tintinnids (ciliates of the microzooplankton) in the Bay of Villefranche (NW Mediterranean Sea): Shifting Baselines ACL 2017 DOLAN John,r
Mineralogical response of the Mediterranean crustose coralline alga Lithophyllum cabiochae to near-future ocean acidification and warming ACL 2016 NASH Merinda,c, MARTIN Sophie, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Limited impact of ocean acidification on phytoplankton community structure and carbon export in an oligotrophic environment: Results from two short-term mesocosm studies in the Mediterranean Sea ACL 2017 GAZEAU Frederic, SALLON Amélie, PITTA P, TSIOLA A, MAUGENDRE Laure, ... (+5)
Passive sampling and high resolution mass spectrometry for chemical profiling of French coastal areas with a focus on marine biotoxins ACL 2016 ZENDONG Z, BERTRAND Samuel, HERRENKNECHT Christine, ABADIE Eric, JAUZEIN Cécile, ... (+4)
Experimental investigation of Mg isotope fractionation during mineral dissolution and clay formation ACL 2016 RYU Jong-sik, VIGIER Nathalie, DECARREAU Alain, LEE S-w, LEE Kwang-sik, ... (+2)
On the Potential of Robust Satellite Techniques Approach for SPM Monitoring in Coastal Waters: Implementation and Application over the Basilicata Ionian Coastal Waters Using MODIS-Aqua ACL 2016 DI POLITO Carmine, CIANCIA Emanuele, COVIELLO Irina, DOXARAN David, LACAVA Teodosio, ... (+3)
The Gordon Research Conference on Ocean Biogeochemistry INV 2016 LEGENDRE Louis
Role of zooplankton dynamics for Southern Ocean phytoplankton biomass and global biogeochemical cycles ACL 2016 LE QUÉRÉ C, BUITENHUIS E,t, MORIARTY Roisin, ALVAIN Séverine, AUMONT O, ... (+17)
Diagnostic delay of pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis and its associated factors ACL 2017 JEAN M, IRISSON Jean-olivier, GRAS G, BOUCHAND F, SIMO D, ... (+5)
Imperfect automatic image classification successfully describes plankton distribution patterns ACL 2016 FAILLETTAZ Robin, PICHERAL Marc, LUO Jessica,y, GUIGAND C, COWEN Robert,k, ... (+1)
The relationship between heterotrophic feeding and inorganic nutrient availability in the scleractinian coral T. reniformis under a short-term temperature increase ACL 2016 EZZAT L, TOWLE Erica, IRISSON Jean-olivier, LANGDON J,p, FERRIER-PAGÈS Christine
Principles of Systems Biology, No. 5: From Molecular Oceanography to Ocean Systems Modeling ACL 2016 CHAFFRON Samuel, GUIDI Lionel, BITTNER Lucie, EVEILLARD Damien
An initial carbon export assessment in the Mediterranean Sea based on drifting sediment traps and the Underwater Vision Profiler data sets ACL 2016 RAMONDENC Simon, GOUTX Madeleine, LOMBARD Fabien, SANTINELLI C, STEMMANN Lars, ... (+2)
Cross-shelf transport, oxygen depletion, and nitrate release within a forming mesoscale eddy in the eastern Indian Ocean ACL 2016 WAITE Anya, BECKLEY L, GUIDI Lionel, LANDRUM Jason,p, HOLLIDAY David, ... (+5)