Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Adaptive control for optimizing microalgae production ACTI 2013 MAIRET Francis, MUNOZ-TAMAYO Rafael, BERNARD Olivier
Design of Optimal Experiments for Parameter Estimation of Microalgae Growth Models ACTI 2013 MUNOZ-TAMAYO Rafael, MARTINON Pierre, BOUGARAN Gaël, MAIRET Francis, BERNARD Olivier
A SWIR based algorithm to retrieve total suspended matter in extremely turbid waters ACL 2015 KNAEPS Els, RUDDICK Kevin, DOXARAN David, DOGLIOTTI Ana,i, NECHAD Bouchra, ... (+2)
Dinitrogen fixation and dissolved organic nitrogen fueled primary production and particulate export during the VAHINE mesocosm experiment (New Caledonia lagoon) ACL 2015 BERTHELOT H, MOUTIN Thierry, L'HELGUEN S, LEBLANC K, HÉLIAS S, ... (+4)
A new framework for metabolic modeling under non-balanced growth. Application to carbon metabolism of unicellular microalgaee ACTI 2013 BAROUKH Caroline, MUNOZ-TAMAYO Rafael, STEYER Jean-philippe, BERNARD Olivier
The role of physical variables in biodiversity patterns of intertidal macroalgae along European coasts ACL 2017 PUENTE Araceli, GUINDA Xabier, JUANES Jose,a, RAMOS Elvira, ECHAVARRI-ERASUN Beatriz, ... (+40)
Geographic patterns of biodiversity in European coastal marine benthos ACL 2017 HUMMEL H, VAN AVESAATH Pim, WIJNHOVEN Sander, KLEINE-SCHAARS Loran, DEGRAER Steven, ... (+46)
Essence of the patterns of cover and richness of intertidal hard bottom communities: a pan-European study ACL 2017 KOTTA Jonne, ORAV-KOTTA Helen, JÄNES Holger, HUMMEL H, ARVANITIDIS Christos, ... (+37)
Consistent patterns of spatial variability between NE Atlantic and Mediterranean rocky shores ACL 2017 DAL BELLO Martina, LECLERC Jean-charles, BENEDETTI-CECCHI L, DE LUCIA Andrea, giuseppe, ARVANITIDIS Christos, ... (+39)
Effect of sunlight on prokaryotic organic carbon uptake and dynamics of pigments relevant to photoheterotrophy in the Adriatic Sea ACL 2015 CELUSSI M, GALLINA Alessandra,a, RAS Josephine, GIANI M, DEL NEGRO Paola
Coupled cycling of Fe and organic carbon in submarine hydrothermal systems: Modelling approach COM 2014 LEGENDRE Louis, GERMAN C,r, SANDER Sylvia,g, NIQUIL Nathalie
Coupled cycling of Fe and organic carbon in submarine hydrothermal systems: Impacts on Ocean Biogeochemistry? COM 2014 GERMAN C,r, SANDER Sylvia,g, LEGENDRE Louis, NIQUIL Nathalie
Herbicide toxicity on river biofilms assessed by pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry ACL 2015 TIAM Sandra,kim, LAVIALE Martin, FEURTET-MAZEL A, JAN G, GONZALEZ P, ... (+2)
Introduction to the special issue: A Golden Moment to Keep Acta in the Loop ACL 2015 MONTAGNES D,j,s, DOLAN John,r
Community Structure of Tintinnid Ciliates of the Microzooplankton in the South West Pacific Ocean: Comparison of a High Primary Productivity with a Typical Oligotrophic Site ACL 2016 DOLAN John,r, GIMENEZ Audrey, CORNET-BARTHAUX V, VERNEIL Alain
Sensitivity of Mediterranean bivalve mollusc aquaculture to climate change, ocean acidification, and other environmental pressures: findings from a producer survey ACL 2015 RODRIGUES L,c, VAN DEN BERGH Jeroen,c,j,m, MASSA F, THEODOROU J,a, ZIVERI Patrizia, ... (+1)
Amélioration de la gestion des conditions de frontières ouvertes biogéochimiques dans les modèles physiques et biogéochimiques couplés régionaux afin de reproduire les principaux processus d’échanges côte - large. Action vers une Modélisation Intégrée Côtière Opérationnelle (AMICO) AP 2015 PINAZO Christel, ROSS Olivier, DIAZ F, DOGLIOLI Andrea, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, ... (+20)
Cloud condensation nuclei properties of marine aerosol in the Mediterranean: a mesocosm study COM 2014 SCHWIER A,n, ROSE C, ASMI E, GAZEAU Frederic, GUIEU Cecile, ... (+4)
The CO2 system in the Mediterranean Sea inferred from a 3D coupled physical-biogeochemical model COM 2015 ULSES Caroline, KESSOURI Fayçal, ESTOURNEL Claude, MARSALEIX Patrick, BEUVIER Jonathan, ... (+5)
Comparison of Mediterranean Pteropod Shell Biometrics and Ultrastructure from Historical (1910 and 1921) and Present Day (2012) Samples Provides Baseline for Monitoring Effects of Global Change ACL 2017 HOWES Ella,louise, EAGLE R, GATTUSO Jean-pierre, BIJMA J
Decoupled carbonate chemistry controls on the incorporation of boron into Orbulina universa ACL 2017 HOWES Ella,louise, KACZMAREK K, RAITZSCH M, MEWES A, BIJMA Nienke, ... (+4)
Transparent Exopolymer Particles: Effects on carbon cycling in the ocean ACL 2017 MARI Xavier, PASSOW Uta, MIGON Christophe, BURD Adrian,b, LEGENDRE Louis
Temperature is a key factor in Micromonas-virus interactions ACL 2017 DEMORY David, ARSENIEFF Laure, SIMON Nathalie, SIX Christophe, RIGAUT-JALABERT Fabienne, ... (+8)
Observations of open-ocean deep convection in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea: Seasonal and interannual variability of mixing and deep water masses for the 2007-2013 Period ACL 2016 HOUPERT Loic, DURRIEU DE MADRON Xavier, TESTOR Pierre, BOSSE Antony, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, ... (+8)
Impacts of ocean acidification in a warming Mediterranean Sea: An overview ACL 2016 LACOUE-LABARTHE Thomas, NUNES P,l,a,d, ZIVERI Patrizia, CINAR M, GAZEAU Frederic, ... (+6)
Introduction to the project VAHINE: VAriability of vertical and tropHlc transfer of diazotroph derived N in the south wEst Pacific ACL 2016 BONNET Sophie, MOUTIN Thierry, RODIER Martine, GRISONI Jean-michel, LOUIS Francis, ... (+4)
Atmospheric corrections and multi-conditional algorithm for multi-sensor remote sensing of suspended particulate matter in low-to-high turbidity levels coastal waters ACL 2017 NOVOA Stefani, DOXARAN David, ODY Anouck, VANHELLEMONT Quinten, LAFON Virginie, ... (+2)
Biogeochemical regions of the Mediterranean Sea: An objective multidimensional and multivariate environmental approach ACL 2017 REYGONDEAU Gabriel, GUIEU Cecile, BENEDETTI Fabio, IRISSON Jean-olivier, AYATA Sakina-dorothée, ... (+2)
Ocean acidification in the Mediterranean Sea: pelagic mesocosm experiments. A synthesis ACL 2017 MAUGENDRE Laure, GUIEU Cecile, GATTUSO Jean-pierre, GAZEAU Frederic
Lipid composition of the three co-existing Calanus species in the Arctic: impact of season, location and environment ACL 2016 MAYZAUD Patrick, FALK-PETERSEN Stig, NOYON Margaux, WOLD Anette, BOUTOUTE Marc