Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Spawning habitat of North Sea Plaice. From non-spatial to spatial modelling AFF 2007 LOOTS Christophe, VAZ Sandrine, KOUBBI Philippe, PLANQUE Benjamin, COPPIN F, ... (+1)
Using zooplankton ecophysiology to reproduce their biogeography and temporal successions: a multispecies case study on appendicularians and foraminifers AFF 2012 LOMBARD Fabien, LABEYRIE L, MICHEL E, GORSKY Gabriel
Multispecies modeling approach to predict ecological niches and carbon export by appendicularians AFF 2007 LOMBARD Fabien, PICHERAL Marc, SCIANDRA Antoine, LEGENDRE Louis, GORSKY Gabriel
Effect of ocean acidification on microbial diversity, and on microbe-driven biogeochemistry and ecosystem functioning AFF 2010 LIU Jinwen,w, WEINBAUER Markus,g, MAIER Conny, DAI M,h, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Strong but variable effects of changes in pCO2 and temperature on community respiration in mesopelagic waters AFF 2009 LIU Jinwen,w, ALLARD M, MOTEGI Chiaki, MAIER Conny, PEDROTTI Maria-luiza, ... (+2)
A new electronic board for profiling floats dedicated to multidisciplinary data acquisition AFF 2012 LEYMARIE Edouard, HELLO Yann, PENKERC'H Christophe, OGÉ A, POTEAU Antoine, ... (+5)
Measurement of the underwater radiance distribution: First results from a new radiance camera AFF 2010 LEYMARIE Edouard, ANTOINE David, MOREL André, BUIS J,p, BUIS N, ... (+5)
Anisotropy of the underwater light field: development of a radiance camera AFF 2008 LEYMARIE Edouard, ANTOINE David, MOREL André, BUIS J,p, BUIS N, ... (+5)
MERIS vicarious adjustment in the near infra red and visible AFF 2010 LEREBOURG Christophe, MAZERAN Constant, HUOT J,p, ANTOINE David, BOURG Ludovic, ... (+4)
Spatial and temporal variations of planktonic and epibenthic cells of Ostreopsis cf. ovata in NW Mediterranean (Ligurian Sea) AFF 2010 LEMEE Rodolphe, THIBAUT Thierry, COHU Stéphanie, BLANFUNÉ Aurélie, MANGIALAJO Luisa
Présentation du projet MediOs 2 AFF 2009 LEMEE Rodolphe, GROSSEL H, SERRE C
pO2 and pCO2 and Respiration Index down to 2000 m in the NW Mediterranean Sea 1998-2008 AFF 2011 LEGENDRE Louis, COPPOLA Laurent, GATTUSO Jean-pierre, DAEDEN A, GOYET Catherine
Coupled physical and biological processes related to mesoscale eddy field in Kongsfjorden and Isfjorden AFF 2009 LEDANG A,b, SVENDSEN H, TVERBERG V, FALK-PETERSEN S, LABAT Jean-philippe, ... (+1)
Towards a merged satellite and in situ fluorescence chlorophyll product AFF 2012 LAVIGNE Héloïse, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, CLAUSTRE Herve, POTEAU Antoine
Diel vertical abundance of microphytoplankton in NW Mediterranean Sea (DYNAPROC II cruise, sep-oct 2004) AFF 2007 LASTERNAS S, TUNIN-LEY Alina, IBANEZ Frédéric, ANDERSEN Valérie, PIZAY Marie-dominique, ... (+1)
Evolution of the physical properties of the water column during winter in the Amundsen Gulf, Canadian Arctic AFF 2007 LANOS R, KAMALI NEZHAD M, GRATTON Y, PRIEUR Louis, GAILBRAITH P, ... (+2)
Lipid composition of Isochrysis galbana grown in a light/dark cycle and nitrate depletion: a lipid acclimation to environmental changes AFF 2008 LACOUR Thomas, GELAY Amélie, MAYZAUD Patrick, SCIANDRA Antoine
Collaborative East Antarctic Marine Research Census AFF 2008 KOUBBI Philippe, HOSIE Graham
Seasonal Evolution of the circulation in Franklin Bay, Amundsen Gulf AFF 2007 KAMALI NEZHAD M, LANOS R, GRATTON Y, GAILBRAITH P, TREMBLAY Jean eric, ... (+3)
Mesopelagic suspended particle size distributions and the penetration of carbon flux to the ocean interior beneath the Kerguelen natural iron fertilized bloom in the Southern Ocean AFF 2010 JOUANDET Marie-paule, TRULL Thomas,w, PICHERAL Marc, GUIDI Lionel, STEMMANN Lars, ... (+1)
Understanding ocean chemistry and biology using real-time data from profiling floats AFF 2012 JOHNSON Ken,s, SCHEURLE Carolyn, CLAUSTRE Herve, PERRY Mary-jane, RISER S,c
What controls marine trace metal export flux? AFF 2010 HEIMBÜRGER Lars-eric, MIGON Christophe, LOSNO R, MIQUEL Juan-carlos, DUFOUR Aurélie, ... (+2)
DYCOMED – Dynamics of chemical contaminants in the Mediterranean Sea: An integrated investigation from the atmosphere to the sea bed AFF 2010 HEIMBÜRGER Lars-eric, COSSA Daniel, MIGON Christophe, CHIFFOLEAU J,f, BOULOUBASSI I, ... (+13)
Seasonal variations in the nutrient-like profiles of the methylmercury in an oligotrophic marine environment AFF 2009 HEIMBÜRGER Lars-eric, COSSA Daniel, MIGON Christophe, AVERTY B, DUFOUR Aurélie, ... (+2)
How changes in hydrology and biological production affect methylmercury vertical profiles in an open ocean environment, the Ligurian Sea (Northwestern Mediterranean) AFF 2009 HEIMBÜRGER Lars-eric, COSSA Daniel, MIGON Christophe, AVERTY B, DUFOUR Aurélie, ... (+2)
Seasonal variations of trace elements in the water column of the Ligurian Sea, Western Mediterranean. Goldschmidt Conference AFF 2008 HEIMBÜRGER Lars-eric, CHIFFOLEAU J,f, DUFOUR Aurélie, MIGON Christophe, COPPOLA Laurent, ... (+3)
Biogeochemical feedbacks in oligotrophic ocean water to atmospheric trace metal inputs AFF 2009 HEIMBÜRGER Lars-eric, CHIFFOLEAU J,f, DUFOUR Aurélie, AUGER D, COSSA Daniel, ... (+3)
A plan for a SOLAS campaign across the Mediterranean Sea in 2015 AFF 2012 GUIEU Cecile, DESBOEUFS Karine, DULAC K, GAZEAU Frederic, MALLET Marc, ... (+2)
DUNE (a DUst experiment in a low Nutrient, low chlorophyll Ecosystem): Presentation of the project and results from its pilot phase AFF 2008 GUIEU Cecile, DULAC K, RIDAME Céline, PONDAVEN P, PULIDO-VILLENA Elvira, ... (+9)
The DUNE project: a DUst experiment in a low Nutrient, low chlorophyll Ecosystem AFF 2007 GUIEU Cecile, BLAIN Séphane, DULAC K, OBERNOSTERER Ingrid, BERGAMETTI G, ... (+5)