Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Climate-driven basin-scale decadal oscillations of oceanic phytoplankton ACL 2009 MARTINEZ Elodie, ANTOINE David, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, GENTILI Bernard
Reactivity of transparent exopolymeric particles: A key parameter of trace metal cycling in the lagoon of Noumea, New Caledonia ACL 2009 MARI Xavier, MIGON Christophe, NICOLAS Emmanuel
Impact of sea-surface dust radiative forcing on the oceanic primary production: A 1D modeling approach applied to the West African coastal waters ACL 2009 MALLET Marc, CHAMI Malik, GENTILI Bernard, SEMPÉRÉ Richard, DUBUISSON P
The Underwater Vision Profiler 5: An advanced instrument for high spatial resolution studies of particle size spectra and zooplankton ACL 2010 PICHERAL Marc, GUIDI Lionel, STEMMANN Lars, KARL D,m, IDDAOUD G, ... (+1)
Effect of carbonate ion concentration and irradiance on calcification in planktonic foraminifera ACL 2010 LOMBARD Fabien, DA ROCHA R,e, BIJMA J, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Investigation of the variations in the water leaving polarized reflectance from the POLDER satellite data over two biogeochemical contrasted oceanic areas ACL 2008 LOISEL Hubert, DUFORET Lucile, DESSAILLY D, CHAMI Malik, DUBUISSON P
Extreme diversity in noncalcifying haptophytes explains a major pigment paradox in open oceans ACL 2009 LIU H, PROBERT Ian, UITZ Julia, CLAUSTRE Herve, ARIS-BROSOU S, ... (+3)
Uncertainties associated to measurements of inherent optical properties in natural waters ACL 2010 LEYMARIE Edouard, DOXARAN David, BABIN Marcel
Biophysical modelling to investigate the effects of climate change on marine populations dispersal and connectivity ACL 2010 LETT C, AYATA Sakina-dorothée, HURET M, IRISSON Jean-olivier
Planktonic food webs: Microbial hub approach ACL 2008 LEGENDRE Louis, RIVKIN R,b
Radionuclides as Tracers of Water Fronts in the South Indian Ocean—ANTARES IV Results ACL 2009 LEE S-h, POVINEC P, GASTAUD J, OREGIONI B, COPPOLA Laurent, ... (+1)
Analysis of a rapid sea ice retreat event in the Bellingshausen Sea ACL 2010 KING J,c, DOBLE Martin,j, HOLLAND P,r
Observing biogeochemical cycles at global scales with profiling floats and gliders: prospects for a global array ACL 2009 JOHNSON Ken,s, BERELSON W,m, BOSS Emmanuel, CHASE Z, CLAUSTRE Herve, ... (+5)
Structure and variability of the microbila community associated to the Alboran Sea Frontal System (Western Mediterranean) in winter ACL 2010 JACQUET S, PRIEUR Louis, NIVAL Paul, VAULOT Daniel
Exploring the role of ice dynamics in the sea ice mass balance ACL 2008 HUTCHINGS J, GEIGER C,a, ROBERT K, RICHTER-MENGE J, DOBLE Martin,j, ... (+11)
Vertical distribution and ontogenetic "migration" in coral reef fish larvae ACL 2010 IRISSON Jean-olivier, PARIS Claire,b, GUIGAND C, PLANES S
Particle optical backscattering along a chlorophyll gradient in the upper layer of the eastern South Pacific Ocean ACL 2008 HUOT Yannick, MOREL André, TWARDOWSKI M,s, STRAMSKI Dariusz, REYNOLDS Rick,a
Overview of fluorescence protocols : Theory, basic concepts, and practice OS 2010 HUOT Yannick, BABIN Marcel
Identifying coral reef fish larvae through DNA barcoding: a test case with the families Acanthuridae and Holocentridae ACL 2010 HUBERT N, DELRIEU-TROTTIN E, IRISSON Jean-olivier, MEYER C, PLANES S
Distribution of net-collected planktonic cnidarians along the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge and their associations with the main water masses ACL 2008 HOSIA A, STEMMANN Lars, YOUNGBLUTH M,j
Trace metal concentrations in the North-western Mediterranean atmospheric aerosol between 1986 and 2008: Seasonal patterns and decadal trends ACL 2010 HEIMBÜRGER Lars-eric, MIGON Christophe, DUFOUR Aurélie, CHIFFOLEAU J,f, COSSA Daniel
Methyl mercury distributions in relation to the presence of nano- and picophytoplankton in an oceanic water column (Ligurian Sea, North-western Mediterranean) ACL 2010 HEIMBÜRGER Lars-eric, COSSA Daniel, MARTY Jean-claude, MIGON Christophe, AVERTY B, ... (+2)
Invariance of polarized reflectance measured at the top of atmosphere by PARASOL satellite instrument in the visible range with marine constituents in open ocean waters ACL 2008 HARMEL Tristan, CHAMI Malik
Spatial variability of atmospheric fluxes of metals (Al, Fe, Cd, Zn and Pb) and phosphorus over the whole Mediterranean from a one-year monitoring experiment: Biogeochemical implications ACL 2010 GUIEU Cecile, LOŸE-PILOT M,d, BENYAYA L, DUFOUR Aurélie
Large clean mesocosms and simulated dust deposition: a new methodology to investigate responses of marine oligotrophic ecosystems to atmospheric inputs ACL 2010 GUIEU Cecile, DULAC K, DESBOEUFS Karine, WAGENER Thibault, PULIDO-VILLENA Elvira, ... (+9)
Effects of phytoplankton community on production, size, and export of large aggregates: A World-Ocean analysis ACL 2009 GUIDI Lionel, STEMMANN Lars, JACKSON G,a, IBANEZ Frédéric, CLAUSTRE Herve, ... (+3)
Relationship between particle size distribution and flux in the mesopelagic zone ACL 2008 GUIDI Lionel, JACKSON G,a, STEMMANN Lars, MIQUEL Juan-carlos, PICHERAL Marc, ... (+1)
Role of environmental factors for the vertical distribution (0-1000 m) of marine bacterial communities in the NW Mediterranean Sea ACL 2008 GHIGLIONE J,f, PALACIOS C, MARTY Jean-claude, MEVEL G, LABRUNE C, ... (+4)
Exploring Arctic Transpolar Drift during dramatic sea ice retreat ACL 2008 GASCARD J-c, FESTY J, LE GOGG H, WEBER M, BRUEMMER B, ... (+21)
Field characterization of wave-induced underwater light field fluctuations ACL 2009 GERNEZ Pierre, ANTOINE David