Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Plankton networks driving carbon export in the oligotro phic ocean COM 2016 CHAFFRON Samuel, GUIDI Lionel, BITTNER Lucie, EVEILLARD Damien, RAES Eric,j, ... (+3)
APERO: Assessing marine biogenic matter Production, Export and Remineralisation : from the surface to the dark Ocean COM 2016 TAMBURINI Christian, MEMERY Laurent, GUIDI Lionel, CASSAR Nicolas
Contribution of the jellyfish Pelagia Noctiluca to carbon export in the Mediterranean Sea COM 2017 RAMONDENC Simon, DELAHAYE F, EVEILLARD Damien, STEMMANN Lars, GUIDI Lionel, ... (+1)
The TARA ocean consortium. Plankton community and gene networks associated with carbon export in the global ocean COM 2015 GUIDI Lionel, CHAFFRON Samuel, BITTNER Lucie, EVEILLARD Damien, GORSKY Gabriel, ... (+2)
Plankton networks driving carbon export in the oligotrophic ocean COM 2016 GUIDI Lionel, CHAFFRON Samuel, BITTNER Lucie, EVEILLARD Damien, RAES Eric,j, ... (+3)
Integrating plankton networks in oceans biogeochemical modelling COM 2016 GUIDI Lionel, CHAFFRON Samuel, BITTNER Lucie, EVEILLARD Damien, KARSENTI Eric, ... (+2)
Biology and Ecology of Tintinnid Ciliates: Models for Marine Plankton DO 2013 DOLAN John,r, AGATHA S, COATS D,w, MONTAGNES D,j,s
Using tintinnid ciliates as a model group to uncover biodiversity patterns in marine microbes INV 2017 DOLAN John,r
Population structure of planktonic micro-organisms (tintinnid ciliates of the microzooplankton ) in the South Pacific Ocean: comparison of a high productivity site and a typical oligotrophic site COM 2016 DOLAN John,r
Declines in Both Redundant and Trace Species Characterize the Latitudinal Diversity Gradient in Tintinnid Ciliates of the Microzooplankton COM 2016 DOLAN John,r, YANG E,j
Latitudinal gradient is of types and redundancy in planktonic protists COM 2015 DOLAN John,r
Tintinnid ciliates of the Amundsen Sea (Antarctica) plankton: Assemblages of coastal polynya and offshore deep water sites COM 2013 DOLAN John,r, YANG E,j, LEE S-h, KIM S,y
Investigation and sensitivity analysis of a mechanistic phytoplankton model implemented in a new modular numerical tool (Eco3M) dedicated to biogeochemical modelling ACL 2006 BAKLOUTI M, FAURE V, PAWLOWSKI Lionel, SCIANDRA Antoine
Multimodel analysis of the response of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi to an elevation of pCO2 under nitrate limitation ACL 2008 BERNARD Olivier, SCIANDRA Antoine, MADANI S
Dynamics and forcings of particulate organic matter composition in coastal systems: a spatio-temporal study at multi-systems scale COM 2016 LIÉNART Camilla, MOUSSEAU Laure, PETIT Franck, DE LARY DE LATOUR Hortense, SOMLIT (LMOUSSEAU) Team
Estimating phytoplankton δ13C in aquatic systems. Coastal systems in transition. From a ‘natural’ to an ‘anthropogenically-modified’ status COM 2016 SAVOYE Nicolas, MOUSSEAU Laure, DE LARY DE LATOUR Hortense, PETIT Franck, SOMLIT Team
Near real-time in situ monitoring of phytoplankton by remote flow cytometry : evidence of sporadic events on the community structure and dynamics. COM 2013 GRÉGORI Gérald, THYSSEN Melilotus, DUGENNE Mathilde, DENIS Michel,j, GRISONI Jean-michel, ... (+3)
Spatial variability of surface-sediment porewater pH and related water-column characteristics in deep waters of the northern South China Sea ACL 2016 SHAO Changgao, SUI Yi, TANG Danling, LEGENDRE Louis
Towards a carbon budget of the diazotrophic cyanobacterium Crocosphaera: effect of irradiance ACL 2017 RABOUILLE Sophie, SEMEDO-CABRAL Georges, PEDROTTI Maria-luiza
Swimming speeds of Mediterranean settlement-stage fish larvae nuance Hjort's aberrant drift hypothesis COM 2016 FAILLETTAZ Robin, DURAND Elysanne, PARIS Claire,b, KOUBBI Philippe, IRISSON Jean-olivier
Impact of climate change on the distribution of plankton functional and phylogenetic diversity INV 2017 AYATA Sakina-dorothée
Mare incognitum: A glimpse into future plankton diversity and ecology research ACL 2017 CHUST G, VOGT Meike, BENEDETTI Fabio, NAKOV Teofil, VILLÉGER Sébastien, ... (+18)
Investigating uncertainties in zooplankton composition shifts under climate change scenarios in the Mediterranean Sea ACL 2017 BENEDETTI Fabio, GUILHAUMON François, ADLOFF Fanny, AYATA Sakina-dorothée
Recommendations for obtaining unbiased chlorophyll estimates from in situ chlorophyll fluorometers: a global analysis of WET Labs ECO sensors ACL 2017 ROESLER Collin, UITZ Julia, CLAUSTRE Herve, BOSS Emmanuel, XING Xiaogang, ... (+10)
Influence of the phytoplankton community structure on the spring and annual primary production in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea ACL 2017 MAYOT Nicolas, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, UITZ Julia, GENTILI Bernard, RAS Josephine, ... (+4)
Bio-optical anomalies in the world's oceans: An investigation on the diffuse attenuation coefficients for downward irradiance derived from biogeochemical Argo float measurements ACL 2017 ORGANELLI Emanuele, CLAUSTRE Herve, BRICAUD Annick, BARBIEUX Marie, UITZ Julia, ... (+2)
Abrupt response of chemical weathering to Late Quaternary hydroclimate changes in Northeast Africa ACL 2017 BASTIAN Luc, REVEL Marie, BAYON G, DUFOUR Aurélie, VIGIER Nathalie
Constructing in situ data set for phytoplankton functional type product validation COM 2017 ROESLER Collin, VELLUCCI Vincenzo, UITZ Julia, ANTOINE David, CLAUSTRE Herve, ... (+2)
Experimental evidence of formation of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) and POC export provoked by dust addition under current and high pCO2 conditions ACL 2017 LOUIS Justine, PEDROTTI Maria-luiza, GAZEAU Frederic, GUIEU Cecile
HyMeX-SOP2: The Field Campaign Dedicated to Dense Water Formation in the Northwestern Mediterranean ACL 2016 ESTOURNEL Claude, TESTOR Pierre, TAUPIER-LETAGE Isabelle, BOUIN Marie-noëlle, COPPOLA Laurent, ... (+24)