Références (98)
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Cycle cellulaire et fluctuations de populations phytoplanctoniques en interaction avec une ressource variable. Conditions d'application des modèles à quota ACTN 1997 SCIANDRA Antoine
Interactive effects of light and cell division on the nitrate uptake of Thalassiosira weissflogii grown in an experimentally simulated deep mixed layer AFF 2004 PAWLOWSKI Lionel, SCIANDRA Antoine, BERNARD Olivier
Non linear modelling of the coupling between carbon and nitrogen pathways during phytoplankton growth. Validation with chemostat experiments AFF 2002 PAWLOWSKI Lionel, BERNARD Olivier, LE FLOC'H Emilie, SCIANDRA Antoine
Le chémostat: un outil de développement et de validation de modèles de croissance phytoplanctonique INV 2002 PAWLOWSKI Lionel, SCIANDRA Antoine, BERNARD Olivier
Estimating the Hurst exponent of self-similar processes. Application in marine ecology COM 2006 MANTÉ Claude, NERINI David, SCIANDRA Antoine, YAO A,f
Combien de temps vit le dinoflagellé Prorocentrum minimum ? Une approche via la statistique des processus COM 2006 MANTÉ Claude, NERINI David, SCIANDRA Antoine
Adaptation of pigment composition to interactive effects of light an nitrogen in Rhodomonas salina (cryptophyceae) AFF 2001 LE FLOC'H Emilie, SCIANDRA Antoine
Growth rate, absorption and fluorescence, elemental and pigment composition of Cryptomonas sp. under light and nitrogen stresses AFF 1999 LAZZARA L, SCIANDRA Antoine, CLAUSTRE Herve, BABIN Marcel, MORI C
Photoacclimation of the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana to natural fluctuating light and constant conditions under nitrogen deficiency AFF 2006 KASALICKY V, ZROTALOVA K, SCIANDRA Antoine, BABIN Marcel, PRASIL O
Carboxylation and nutrient uptake ACTI 1996 DESCOLAS-GROS Chantal, DENIS M, GOSTAN Jacques, JUPIN H,j, COLLOS Yves, ... (+4)