Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Coupling and uncoupling of triglyceride and beta-carotene production by Dunaliella salina under nitrogen limitation and starvation ACL 2017 BONNEFOND Hubert, MOELANTS Nina, TALEC Amélie, MAYZAUD Patrick, BERNARD Olivier, ... (+1)
Obtaining phytoplankton diversity from ocean color: A scientific roadmap for future development ACL 2017 BRACHER Astrid, BOUMAN Heather, BREWIN Robert,j,w, BRICAUD Annick, BROTAS Vanda, ... (+16)
Marinitoga litoralis sp. nov., a novel member of the order Thermotogales isolated from a costal hot spring in Saint-Paul Island ACL 2010 POSTEC A, CIOBANU Maria-cristina, BIRRIEN J,l, PRIEUR D, LE ROMANCER M
DNA extractions from deep subseafloor sediments: Novel cryogenic-mill-based procedure and comparison to existing protocols. ACL 2011 ALAIN K, CALLAC N, CIOBANU Maria-cristina, REYNAUD Y, DUTHOIT F, ... (+1)
Microorganisms persist at record depths in the subseafloor of the Canterbury Basin ACL 2014 CIOBANU Maria-cristina, BURGAUD Gaetan, DUFRESNE A, BREUKER A, REDOU V, ... (+9)
Phylogenetic and functional diversity of microbial communities associated with subsurface sediments of the Sonora Margin, Guaymas Basin ACL 2014 VIGNERON A, CRUAUD P, ROUSSEL E,g, PIGNET P, CAPRAIS Jean-claude, ... (+9)
Estimation of daily photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in presence of low to high aerosol loads: application to OLCI-like satellite data ACL 2016 HARMEL Tristan, CHAMI Malik
Long-term analysis of turbidity patterns in Danube Delta coastal area based on MODIS satellite data ACL 2017 CONSTANTIN Sorin, CONSTANTINESCU Stefan, DOXARAN David
A consumer's guide to satellite remote sensing of multiple phytoplankton groups in the global ocean ACL 2017 MOUW Colleen,b, HARDMAN-MOUNTFORD Nick,j, ALVAIN Séverine, BRACHER Astrid, BREWIN Robert,j,w, ... (+9)
Inter-comparison of phytoplankton functional type phenology metrics derived from ocean color algorithms and Earth System Models ACL 2017 KOSTADINOV Tihomir,s, CABRÉ Anna, VEDANTHAM Harish, MARINOV I, BRACHER Astrid, ... (+8)
Diatom phytochromes reveal the existence of far-red light based sensing in the ocean COM 2016 FORTUNATOA Antonio,emidio, JAUBERTA Marianne, ENOMOTOB Gen, BOULYA Jean-pierre, RANIELLOC Raffaella, ... (+6)
Substantial energy input to the mesopelagic ecosystem from the seasonal mixed-layer pump ACL 2016 DALL'OLMO Giorgio, DINGLE James, POLIMENE Luca, BREWIN Robert,j,w, CLAUSTRE Herve
Driving microalgal production in raceway systems to near optimal productivities ACTI 2013 MUNOZ-TAMAYO Rafael, MAIRET Francis, BERNARD Olivier
The French earth observation science/defence mission hypxim-A second generation high spectral and spatial resolution imaging spectrometer ACTI 2013 CARRIÈRE Véronique, BRIOTTET Xavier, CHAMI Malik, CHEVREL Stéphane, JACQUEMOUD Stéphane, ... (+1)
Ecogenomics and potential biogeochemical impacts of globally abundant ocean viruses ACL 2016 ROUX Simon, BRUM Jennifer,r, DUTILH Bas,e, SUNAGAWA Shinichi, DUHAIME Melissa,b, ... (+20)
A new, sensitive marine microalgal recombinant biosensor using luminescence monitoring for toxicity testing of antifouling biocides ACL 2013 SANCHEZ-FERANDIN Sophie, LEROY Fanny, BOUGET François-yves, JOUX Fabien
The French proposal for a high spatial resolution Hyperspectral mission COM 2014 CARRIÈRE Véronique, BRIOTTET Xavier, JACQUEMOUD Stéphane, MARION Rodolphe, BOURGUIGNON Anne, ... (+12)
Biogeographic patterns of fish OS 2014 DUHAMEL Guy, HULLEY Percy-alexander, CAUSSE R, KOUBBI Philippe, VACCHI Marino, ... (+12)
Le développement du dinoflagellé benthique toxique Ostreopsis cf. ovata en Méditerranée AFF 2014 LEMEE Rodolphe
A new framework for metabolic modelling under non-balanced growth. Application to photoautotrophic microalgae in day/night cycle COM 2013 BAROUKH Caroline, MUNOZ-TAMAYO Rafael, STEYER Jean-philippe, BERNARD Olivier
Driving species competition in a light-limited chemostat ACTI 2013 MAIRET Francis, MUNOZ-TAMAYO Rafael, BERNARD Olivier
Inclusion of sea ice attenuation in an operational wave model ACTI 2013 BIDLOT Jean-raymond, DOBLE Martin,j, TANG Yongming
Analysis on the relationship between suspended sediments and relating factors using satellite data in coastal area COM 2014 EOM Jinah, CHOI Joong,ki, DOXARAN David, RUDDICK Kevin
Horizontal coherent structures between channel and mudflat ACTI 2015 VAN PROOIJEN Bram,c, ZHU Qin
Multi-Mission Remote Sensing of Suspended Particulate Matter and Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient in the Yangtze Estuarine and Coastal Waters ACTI 2016 YU X, SALAMA S, SHEN F
A glider in the plume: an innovative approach to investigate and simulate the fate of Rhône River sediment in the Gulf of Lions during the 2014 winter flood ACTI 2015 ROMARIC Verney, MANY Gaël, GANGLOFF Aurélien, BOURRIN François, DOXARAN David, ... (+3)
Technical note: Update on response times, in-air measurements,\hack\newline and in situ drift for oxygen optodes on profiling platforms ACL 2017 BITTIG Henry, KÖRTZINGER Arne
Calibration of a productivity model for the microalgae Dunaliella salina accounting for light and temperature ACL 2017 BÉCHET Quentin, MOUSSION Philippe, BERNARD Olivier
Marine Protists: Diversity and Dynamics ACL 2016 DOLAN John,r