Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Nondegradative Sulfation of Polysaccharides. Synthesis and Structure Characterization of Biologically Active Heparan Sulfate Mimetics ACL 2005 PAPY-GARCIA Dulce, BARBIER-CHASSEFIÈRE V, ROUET Vincent, KERROS Marie-emmanuelle, KLOCHENDLER Cécile, ... (+4)
RGTA OTR4120, a heparan sulfate mimetic, is a possible long-term active agent to heal burned skin. ACL 2007 GARCIA-FILIPE S, BARBIER-CHASSEFIÈRE V, ALEXAKIS C, HUET E, LEDOUX D, ... (+5)
Predictions of carbon fixation during a bloom of Emiliania huxleyi as a function of the regulating inorganic species ACL 2012 BERNARD Olivier, SCIANDRA Antoine, RABOUILLE Sophie
Twelwe-year achievements of the BOUSSOLE bio-optics time series project AFF 2012 DIAMOND Emilie, VELLUCCI Vincenzo, ANTOINE David, GENTILI Bernard, OBOLENSKY Grigor, ... (+4)
Quality contol of BOUSSOLE data AFF 2012 VELLUCCI Vincenzo, ANTOINE David, GENTILI Bernard, DIAMOND Emilie, OBOLENSKY Grigor
Bio-optical properties of coastal waters in the Eastern English Channel ACL 2007 VANTREPOTTE Vincent, BRUNET Christophe, MÉRIAUX Xavier, LÉCUYER Eric, VELLUCCI Vincenzo, ... (+1)
Absorption properties of particulate matter in the western Mediterranean Sea AFF 2008 VELLUCCI Vincenzo, RIBERA D'ALCALÀ Maurizio, ANTOINE David
A Bio-Argo pilot network in the Mediterranean Sea COM 2013 D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, AUGUSTI Susana, CIVITARESE Giuseppe, DUARTE Carlos,m, FONTANA Clément, ... (+9)
Using ocean colour satellite and biogeochemical profiling floats to explain biogeographical repartition of the Mediterranean Sea COM 2013 D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, AUGUSTI Susana, CIVITARESE Giuseppe, CLAUSTRE Herve, DUARTE Carlos,m, ... (+10)
Modélisation des niches écologiques dans un environnement changeant : spécificités et points communs en écologie marine et continentale COM 2014 AYATA Sakina-dorothée
Impact relatif des facteurs physiques et biologiques sur la dispersion larvaire et la connectivité en Atlantique Nord-Est / Relative impact of biological and physical factors on larval dispersal and connectivity in the NE Atlantic COM 2013 AYATA Sakina-dorothée
Acidification des océans et ses conséquences OS 2014 GATTUSO Jean-pierre, HANSSON Lina, GAZEAU Frederic
Flows of Research Manuscripts Among Scientific Journals Reveal Hidden Submission Patterns ACL 2012 CALCAGNO V, DEMOINET E, GOLLNER K, GUIDI Lionel, RUTHS D, ... (+1)
Effects of photoacclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates from 1D and 3D marine ecosystem modelling COM 2013 AYATA Sakina-dorothée, BERNARD Olivier, AUMONT O, TAGLIABUE A, SCIANDRA Antoine, ... (+1)
Developing a technique for in-situ monitoring of fragile planktonic organisms AFF 2012 LILLEY Martin,k,s, LOMBARD Fabien
Exploring jellyfish connections in the Mediterranean Sea AFF 2013 BERLINE Léo, LILLEY Martin,k,s, LOMBARD Fabien, ZAKARDJIAN Bruno, MOLCARD A, ... (+2)
Pelagia noctiluca carbon budgets: the effect of long-term starvation on egg production and growth under laboratory conditions AFF 2013 LOMBARD Fabien, LILLEY Martin,k,s, ELINEAU Amanda, FERRARIS Martina, STEMMANN Lars, ... (+1)
Using oxygen optodes to calculate metabolic demands of gelatinous organisms AFF 2013 LILLEY Martin,k,s, LOMBARD Fabien
Metabolic measurements of gelatinous marine organisms, the effect of size and temperature COM 2013 LILLEY Martin,k,s, LOMBARD Fabien
Jellyfish connection in the Western Mediterranean Sea COM 2013 BERLINE Léo, LILLEY Martin,k,s, LOMBARD Fabien, ZAKARDJIAN Bruno
A first step towards improving copepod cultivation using modelling: the effects of density, crowding, cannibalism, tank design and strain selection on copepod egg production yields ACL 2015 DRILLET G, LOMBARD Fabien
Modelling light-dark regime influence on the carbon-nitrogen metabolism in a unicellular diazotrophic cyanobacterium ACTI 2013 GRIMAUD Ghjuvan,micaelu, DRON Anthony, RABOUILLE Sophie, BERNARD Olivier, SCIANDRA Antoine
Fluorescence kinetics in a diazotrophic cyanobacterium: Evidence for diurnal state transitions and consistent inhibition during nitrogen fixation COM 2012 RABOUILLE Sophie, CLAQUIN Pascal, PARK T-h, DRON Anthony
Coupled cycling of Fe and Corg in submarine hydrothermal systems: Modeling approach COM 2013 LEGENDRE Louis, GERMAN C,r, SANDER Sylvia,g
Chapitre VII : Ecosystèmes pélagiques marins et cycles biogéochimiques OS 2014 LEGENDRE Louis
Chapitre VI : Cycles biogéochimiques marins OS 2014 LEGENDRE Louis
An optical-based approach to estimate natural carbon sequestration in the deep ocean from surface export COM 2012 GUIDI Lionel, UITZ Julia, LEGENDRE Louis
Potential effects of anthropogenic climate change on the biological and microbial carbon pumps IMBIZO COM 2013 LEGENDRE Louis, GUIDI Lionel, UITZ Julia
Potential effects of anthropogenic climate change on the biological and microbial carbon pumps COM 2013 LEGENDRE Louis, GUIDI Lionel, UITZ Julia
Using global thorium, sediment trap, and optical data to regionalize ocean carbon remineralization and sequestration COM 2013 GUIDI Lionel, UITZ Julia, STEMMANN Lars, LEGENDRE Louis