Elements : 6125
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Short stories about the ocean, an art integrated project into the elementary curriculum, using shadow theatre and video AFF 2016 GUIEU Michèle, SCHEURLE Carolyn
Teaching young people to be curious, to observe the environment, to think critically COM 2016 FERRARIS Martina, SCHEURLE Carolyn, CLAUSTRE Herve
Improved protocol for determining the spectral absorption coefficient of aquatic particles using the filter-pad technique AFF 2016 STRAMSKI Dariusz, REYNOLDS Rick,a, UITZ Julia, ZHENG Guangming
Phytoplankton traits over an annual cycle in the NW Mediterranean COM 2016 MAYOT Nicolas, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, UITZ Julia, CLAUSTRE Herve
Variability in bio-optical relationships from a global Bio-Argo database AFF 2016 BARBIEUX Marie, UITZ Julia, BRICAUD Annick, POTEAU Antoine, GENTILI Bernard, ... (+4)
Tactile digital video globes: A new way to outreach oceanography AFF 2016 POTEAU Antoine, CLAUSTRE Herve, SCHEURLE Carolyn, JESSIN Thomas, FONTANA Clément
High-resolution Bio-Argo and Argo measurements to reveal specific oceanic processes AFF 2016 POTEAU Antoine, CLAUSTRE Herve, BRIGGS Nathan, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, SCHMECHTIG Catherine, ... (+2)
Merging Ocean Color and physical Argo data to extend bio-optical properties to depth using neural networks: A global 3D view of phytoplankton biomass and phytoplankton communities composition COM 2016 SAUZEDE Raphaelle, CLAUSTRE Herve, JAMET Cédric, UITZ Julia, DALL'OLMO Giorgio, ... (+4)
Radiometry from Bio-Argo floats: A new strategy to validate ocean color products at the global scale COM 2016 ORGANELLI Emanuele, CLAUSTRE Herve, SERRA Romain, BRICAUD Annick, SCHMECHTIG Catherine, ... (+8)
ProVal: First data from a new Argo profiler dedicated to high quality radiometric measurements AFF 2016 LEYMARIE Edouard, PENKERC'H Christophe, ORGANELLI Emanuele, CLAUSTRE Herve, ANTOINE David, ... (+1)
Does winter physical intermittency support a biological preconditioning of the spring phytoplankton bloom AFF 2016 LACOUR Leo, STEC Krzysztof, ARDYNA Mathieu, CLAUSTRE Herve, IUDICONE Daniele
Building an early career network through outreach projects: The "mon océan & moi" example AFF 2016 BARBIEUX Marie, SCHEURLE Carolyn, FERRARIS Martina, MAYOT Nicolas, PASQUERON DE FOMMERVAULT Orens, ... (+12)
Productivity and timing of the main phenological states of the Arctic phytoplankton communities AFF 2016 ARDYNA Mathieu, BABIN Marcel, DEVRED Emmanuel, REHM Eric, BENOÎT-GAGNÉ Maxime, ... (+2)
Accumulating paradigm shifts on Arctic marine ecosystems COM 2016 ARDYNA Mathieu, BABIN Marcel
Environmental factors controlling phytoplankton productivity and phenology in the Southern Ocean COM 2016 ARDYNA Mathieu, CLAUSTRE Herve, SALLÉE Jean-baptiste, D'OVIDIO Francesco, GENTILI Bernard, ... (+1)
The prospects and rationale for a global biogeochemical Argo system COM 2016 JOHNSON Ken,s, SARMIENTO Jorge,l, CLAUSTRE Herve
Enhancement of autonomous ocean observation networks in the Atlantic Ocean, (AtlantOS H2020 project) AFF 2016 CLAUSTRE Herve, BOETIUS Antje, TESTOR Pierre, POULIQUEN Sylvie, LAMPITT Richard, ... (+11)
On the modeling of hyperspectral remote-sensing reflectance of high-sediment-load waters in the visible to shortwave-infrared domain ACL 2016 LEE Zhongping, SHANG Shaoling, LIN Gong, CHEN Jun, DOXARAN David
Dynamics of transparent exopolymeric particles and their precursors during a mesocosm experiment: impact of ocean acidification ACL 2017 BOURDIN Guillaume, GAZEAU Frederic, KERROS Marie-emmanuelle, MARRO Sophie, PEDROTTI Maria-luiza
The Marine Environmental Chamber System (MECS), a unique experimental facility in the world. INV 2015 LEGENDRE Louis
From marine microbes to ocean biogeochemistry and carbon sequestration . COM 2015 LEGENDRE Louis
Comment on "Dilution limits dissolved organic carbon utilization in the deep ocean" ACL 2015 JIAO Nianzhi, LEGENDRE Louis, ROBINSON Carol, THOMAS Helmuth, LUO Ya-wei, ... (+8)
Drivers of the winter–spring phytoplankton bloom in a pristine \NW\ Mediterranean site, the Bay of Calvi (Corsica): A long-term study (1979–2011) ACL 2015 GOFFART Anne, HECQ Jean-henri, LEGENDRE Louis
Relationships among fisheries exploitation, environmental conditions, and ecological indicators across a series of marine ecosystems ACL 2015 FU Caihong, LARGE Scott, KNIGHT Ben, RICHARDSON Anthony,j, BUNDY Alida, ... (+16)
Seasonal variability of nutrient concentrations in the Mediterranean Sea: Contribution of Bio-Argo floats ACL 2015 PASQUERON DE FOMMERVAULT Orens, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, MANGIN Antoine, SERRA Romain, MIGON Christophe, ... (+10)
Photosystem-II shutdown evolved with Nitrogen fixation in the unicellular diazotroph Crocosphaera watsonii ACL 2016 RABOUILLE Sophie, CLAQUIN Pascal
Concomitant effects of light and temperature diel variations on the growth rate and lipid production of Dunaliella salina ACL 2016 BONNEFOND Hubert, MOELANTS Nina, TALEC Amélie, BERNARD Olivier, SCIANDRA Antoine
Ocean acidification impacts on nitrogen fixation in the coastal western Mediterranean Sea ACL 2017 REES A,p, TURK-KUBO K,a, AL-MOOSSAWI L, ALLIOUANE Samir, GAZEAU Frederic, ... (+2)
Nutrient dynamics under different ocean acidification scenarios in a low nutrient low chlorophyll system: the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea ACL 2017 LOUIS Justine, GUIEU Cecile, GAZEAU Frederic
Coccolithophore community response to increasing pCO2 in Mediterranean oligotrophic waters ACL 2017 OVIEDO A.m, ZIVERI P, GAZEAU Frederic