Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Transmittance calculations in the MERIS Case 1 waters atmospheric corrections COM 2008 ANTOINE David
MISSION I: “Imaging” (Ocean colour & land remote sensing) from the next iridium constellation COM 2008 ANTOINE David
French mission on ocean/coastal observation from a geostationary orbit COM 2008 ANTOINE David
Ten-year achievements of the BOUSSOLE bio-optics time series project COM 2010 ANTOINE David, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, GERNEZ Pierre, HOOKER Stanford,b, VELLUCCI Vincenzo, ... (+3)
A Multi-Sensor (MERIS - SeaWiFS - MODIS) Ocean Colour Satellite Matchup Analysis in the Mediterranean Sea (BOUSSOLE Project) COM 2007 ANTOINE David, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, HOOKER Stanford,b, BÉCU Guilain, GENTILI Bernard, ... (+2)
Global analysis of concurrent decadal changes in the world ocean phytoplankton and Sea Surface Temperature COM 2008 ANTOINE David, MARTINEZ Elodie, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio
Anisotropy of the underwater light field: development of a “radiance camera” COM 2008 ANTOINE David, LEYMARIE Edouard, MOREL André, GENTILI Bernard, BUIS J,p, ... (+3)
Detecting and understanding the decadal changes of the global ocean phytoplankton: the GLOBPHY project COM 2007 ANTOINE David, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, BRICAUD Annick, GENTILI Bernard, MOULIN Cyril, ... (+5)
BOUSSOLE: status of activities in April of 2008 COM 2008 ANTOINE David
Fluxes of suspended particulate matter and particulate organic carbon exported by the Mackenzie river into the Beaufort Sea based on bio-optical measurements (2009) COM 2009 ANTOINE David, BÉLANGER Simon, EHN Jens, DOXARAN David, BABIN Marcel
A proposal for a new IOCCG working group. Theme: ocean colour observations from the geostationary orbit COM 2008 ANTOINE David
Validation of the GlobColour full product set COM 2007 ANTOINE David
Global oceanic primary production from the GlobColour FPS and the GHRSST data set COM 2007 ANTOINE David
Validation of the GlobColour full product set AFF 2007 ANTOINE David
Palytoxinlike accumulation in sea urchin in relation with Ostreopsis cf. ovata bloom on French Mediterranean coast COM 2009 AMZIL Zouher, SIBAT M, CHOMÉRAT Nicolas, ROYER F, LEMEE Rodolphe, ... (+2)
Characterization of natural organic matter in depth profile of the Mediterranean Sea by 3D-fluorescence followed by PARAFAC treatment AFF 2010 ZHAO H, DURRIEU G, REDON R, HEIMBÜRGER Lars-eric, DUFOUR Aurélie, ... (+1)
Iron cycling during the DUNE experiment AFF 2009 WAGENER Thibault, PULIDO-VILLENA Elvira, GUIEU Cecile
Zooplankton size spectra. Part I : from data to models AFF 2009 VANDROMME Pieter, STEMMANN Lars, GARCIA COMAS Carmen, BERLINE Léo, GORSKY Gabriel, ... (+3)
Strangers in the light: getting better acquaintiedwith particles and processes that have previously been difficult to resolve AFF 2008 TWARDOWSKI M,s, BARNARD A,h, SCHOFIELD Oscar, SULLIVAN J, CLAUSTRE Herve, ... (+5)
The genus Ceratium schrank (planktonic dinoflagellate) as a biological indicator of global change in the NW Mediterranean Sea: comparison between recent samples data and old bibliographic data in Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas AFF 2007 TUNIN-LEY Alina, IBANEZ Frédéric, LABAT Jean-philippe, ZINGONE Adriana, LEMEE Rodolphe
Un nouveau site web interactif dédié à l’identification spécifique et infraspécifique des taxons du genre Ceratium Schrank AFF 2011 TUNIN-LEY Alina, DE VAUGELAS J, GARCIA D, MARRO Sophie, LEMEE Rodolphe
Regional in-situ observatory: glider observations in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea in winter 2008 (EGO) AFF 2008 TESTOR Pierre, MORTIER Laurent, LHEVEDER V, TAILLANDIER Vincent, SEND U, ... (+18)
Glider deployed bio-optical instruments: lessons learnt after 5-year sampling across the Ligurian front AFF 2012 TAILLANDIER Vincent, CLAUSTRE Herve, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, POTEAU Antoine, BESSON Florent, ... (+2)
Semi-automated classification of zooplankton by the Zooscan system: a network approach AFF 2009 STEMMANN Lars, OHMAN M,d, PICHERAL Marc, GASPARINI Stéphane, PESANT Stéphane, ... (+1)
Underwater Vision Profiler - a sensor for detailed assessment of particles (> 100 µm) and large plankton distribution AFF 2010 STEMMANN Lars, PICHERAL Marc, GUIDI Lionel, LEGENDRE Louis, CLAUSTRE Herve, ... (+1)
Solving the bias against cyanobacteria in fluorescence measurements AFF 2008 SIMIS Stefan, BABIN Marcel, HUOT Yannick, LEYMARIE Edouard, SEPPÄLÄ J
Presentation of the Marine Ecosystems Response in the Mediterranean Experiment programme (MERMEX) for the Mediterranean Sea AFF 2008 SEMPÉRÉ Richard, DURRIEU DE MADRON Xavier, GUIEU Cecile
Diel and spatial variability of particle size distribution in the Easter South Pacific AFF 2008 SCIANDRA Antoine, STRAMSKI Dariusz, BABIN Marcel, TWARDOWSKI M,s, GROB Carolina
French initiatives with a mediterranean-wide perspective for education and outreach AFF 2012 SCIANDRA Antoine, CLAUSTRE Herve, SCHEURLE Carolyn, RAULET E
END-TO-END plankton community dynamics: Analysis at reference Point B (Villefranche Bay, NW Mediterranean) from winter 2010 to summer 2011 AFF 2011 ROMAGNAN Jean-baptiste, STEMMANN Lars, GORSKY Gabriel, DOLAN John,r, JAMET D, ... (+4)