Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Mapping phytoplankton types using in situ absorption spectra and linking results to future hyper spectral ocean color satellites AFF 2014 CHASE Alison, BOSS Emmanuel, ZANEVELD J,ronald, BRICAUD Annick, CLAUSTRE Herve
Sub-surface production in the Atlantic subtropical gyres - How biogeochemical floats yield estimates of the O2 and NO3 cycle on sub-annual scales COM 2014 BITTIG Henry, KÖRTZINGER Arne, CLAUSTRE Herve
First transects of the glider Sea Explorer: Data Quality control and inter comparison within the Mediterranean ocean observing system AFF 2014 BESSON Florent, TAILLANDIER Vincent, OBOLENSKY Grigor, CLAUSTRE Herve
Calibration of in situ fluorescence profiles using a neural network : a first step in the development of a 3D global climatology of phytoplankton communities COM 2014 SAUZEDE Raphaelle, CLAUSTRE Herve, JAMET Cédric, LAVIGNE Héloïse, UITZ Julia, ... (+1)
Multi-scale characterisation of physical and biogeochemical variability of the Ligurian Current: a bio-optical glider approach AP 2008 NIEWIADOMSKA Katarzyna
Through-ice AUV deployment: Operational and technical experience from two seasons of Arctic fieldwork ACL 2009 DOBLE Martin,j, FORREST A,l, WADHAMS Peter, LAVAL B,e
The MAREDAT global database of high performance liquid chromatography marine pigment measurements ACL 2013 PELOQUIN Jill, SWAN C,m, GRUBER N, VOGT Meike, CLAUSTRE Herve, ... (+30)
The characteristics of particulate absorption, scattering and attenuation coefficients in the surface ocean; Contribution of the Tara Oceans expedition ACL 2013 BOSS Emmanuel, PICHERAL Marc, LEEUW Thomas, CHASE Alison, KARSENTI Eric, ... (+5)
Decomposition of in situ particulate absorption spectra ACL 2014 CHASE Alison, BOSS Emmanuel, ZANEVELD J,ronald, BRICAUD Annick, CLAUSTRE Herve, ... (+3)
Effects of hydrodynamics on light utilization in large scale cultures of microalgea AP 2014 HARTMANN Philipp
Modelling the temperature effect on phytoplankton: from acclimation to adaptation AP 2016 GRIMAUD Ghjuvan,micaelu
Dynamique des nutriments en Méditerranée : des campagnes océanographiques aux flotteurs Bio-Argo AP 2015 PASQUERON DE FOMMERVAULT Orens
Impact de la température sur le phytoplancton et ses interactions avec les virus AP 2017 DEMORY David
Impact du changement climatique sur la diversité fonctionnelle du zooplancton. Le cas des copépodes planctoniques de la Mer Méditerranée AP 2016 BENEDETTI Fabio
Comportement des éléments biogéochimiques en Méditerranée à l'interfaces air-mer dans un contexte de changement climatique AP 2015 LOUIS Justine
Dépôts atmosphériques en Méditerranée: quelle réponse de la biogéochimie marine ? AP 2010 TERNON Eva
Modelling thermal adaptation in microalgae: an adaptive dynamics point of view ACTI 2014 GRIMAUD Ghjuvan,micaelu, MAIRET Francis, BERNARD Olivier
"Mon Océan et Moi" - an outreach concept particularly dedicated to the youth AFF 2014 SCHEURLE Carolyn, CLAUSTRE Herve, UITZ Julia, SCIANDRA Antoine
Growth rate estimation of algae in raceway ponds: a novel approach ACTI 2014 HARTMANN Philipp, DEMORY David, COMBE Charlotte, HAMOUDA Raouf, BOULANGER A,c, ... (+7)
A dynamical model to study the response of microalgae to Pulse Amplitude Modulated fluorometry ACTI 2014 CHAZALON Frédéric, RABOUILLE Sophie, HARTMANN Philipp, SCIANDRA Antoine, BERNARD Olivier
How do nitrogen and phosphorus interact to co-limit microalgae? COM 2014 BOUGARAN Gaël, BERNARD Olivier, SCIANDRA Antoine
Monitoring of deep convection and phytoplankton bloom processes in the North western Mediterranean Sea using biogeochemical profiling floats. AFF 2014 PASQUERON DE FOMMERVAULT Orens, TAILLANDIER Vincent, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, LAVIGNE Héloïse, MIGON Christophe, ... (+5)
Sensitivity of Southern Ocean Phytoplankton phenology to changes in vertical mixing and ferricline depths COM 2014 LLORT JORDI Joan, TAGLIABUE A, AYATA Sakina-dorothée, SALLÉE Jean-baptiste, LÉVY Marina
Marine Heterotrophic Protists DO 2014 DOLAN John,r, MONTAGNES D,j,s
Microzooplankton in a warming Arctic? Tintinnids and Radiolarians of the Chukchi Sea in the contrasting summers of 2011 and 2012. COM 2014 DOLAN John,r, YANG E,j, KIM T,w, KANG S-h
Changement global : impacts sur les écosystèmes et défis sociétaux OS 2014 RAGUENEAU O, VIARD F, GATTUSO Jean-pierre, DAVID B, GRALL J, ... (+1)
xFOCE: long-term impacts of ocean acidification in situ ASCL 2014 GATTUSO Jean-pierre, KIRKWOOD William
Ocean acidification summary for policymakers AP 2013 BROADGATE W, RIEBESELL U, ARMSTRONG C, BREWER P, DENMAN K, ... (+12)
Dominant Negative Effectors of Heparin Affin Regulatory Peptide (HARP) Angiogenic and Transforming Activities ACL 2002 BERNARD-PIERROT Isabelle, DELBÉ Jean, ROUET Vincent, VIGNY Marc, KERROS Marie-emmanuelle, ... (+5)
Immunoassay for Measuring the Heparin-binding Growth Factors HARP and MK in Biological Fluids ACL 2002 PAPY-GARCIA Dulce, BARBIER-CHASSEFIÈRE V, ROUET Vincent, KERROS Marie-emmanuelle, MILHIET Pierre-emmanuel, ... (+5)