Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Coupled cycling of Fe and Corg in submarine hydrothermal systems: An ocean biogeochemistry perspective COM 2013 LEGENDRE Louis, GERMAN C,r, SANDER Sylvia,g, LE BRIS Nadine
Optimal deployment of the BioArgo network: a modeling approach AFF 2013 FONTANA Clément, CLAUSTRE Herve, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio
Mixed layer depth variability and phytoplankton phenology in the Mediterranean Sea AFF 2013 LAVIGNE Héloïse, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, RIBERA D'ALCALÀ Maurizio, CLAUSTRE Herve
Towards a 3D climatology for chlorophyll-a based on a calibration of in situ fluorescence profiles using a neural network AFF 2013 SAUZEDE Raphaelle, CLAUSTRE Herve, JAMET Cédric, UITZ Julia, LAVIGNE Héloïse, ... (+1)
Variability of nutrient concentration profiles in relation to seasonal physical and biogeochemical processes: Data from the DYFAMED station (Ligurian Sea) COM 2013 PASQUERON DE FOMMERVAULT Orens, MIGON Christophe, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, COPPOLA Laurent
Apports rhodaniens et suivi atmosphérique des contaminants organiques persistants (PCB, PBDE, HAP, PCDD/F) dans le Golfe du Lion (2009-2010). AP 2012 TRONCZYNSKI J, TIXIER C, CADIOU J,f, BELLY N, CASTELLE S, ... (+3)
Review of the federal ocean acidification research and monitoring plan. AP 2013 GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Salinity effect on skeletal chemical composition in cultured zooxanthellate corals. COM 2012 PRETET C, REYNAUD S, FERRIER-PAGÈS Christine, GATTUSO Jean-pierre, KAMBER B, ... (+1)
Precipitation and dissolution of calcium carbonate: key processes bridging the bio- and geosciences COM 2012 GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Physiological responses of temperate coralline algae to ocean acidification. COM 2012 MARTIN Sophie, NOISETTE F, EGILSDOTTIR H, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Ocean acidification and its impacts. Taking action against ocean acidification A review of management and policy options, Paris COM 2012 GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Ocean acidification and its impacts. Bridging the gap between ocean acidification impacts and economic valuation: ocean acidification impacts on fisheries and aquaculture COM 2012 GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Ecology of toxic benthic dinoflmagellates genus Ostreopsis in temperate waters. COM 2013 LEMEE Rodolphe, CHIANTORE Mariachiara
Unravelling the molecular mechanisms of coral calcification. COM 2013 MOYA Aurélie, HUISMAN J, GATTUSO Jean-pierre, KAANDORP J, FORET S, ... (+1)
Towards an international coordination of ocean acidification activities. COM 2012 GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Response of a planktonic community to ocean acidification in the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea. COM 2012 SALLON Amélie, GUIEU Cecile, GRISONI Jean-michel, LOUIS Francis, GATTUSO Jean-pierre, ... (+1)
Recovery dynamics of Mediterranean shallow rocky shore communities under scenarios of multiple stressors and ocean acidification. COM 2012 ASNAGHI V, THRUSH S, GATTUSO Jean-pierre, HEWITT J, MANGIALAJO Luisa, ... (+3)
Ocean acidification effects on sea urchins and top-down control mechanisms along Mediterranean rocky shores. COM 2012 ASNAGHI V, MANGIALAJO Luisa, GATTUSO Jean-pierre, FRANCOUR Patrice, PRIVITERA D, ... (+1)
Metabolic balance of a plankton community in arctic coastal waters in response to increased pCO2. COM 2012 TANAKA Tsuneo, ALLIOUANE Samir, SCHULTZ K,g, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
EPOCA/EUR-OCEANS data compilation on biological responses to ocean acidification: description and applications COM 2012 NISUMAA Anne-marin, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Effects of ocean acidification and warming on a natural plankton community of the Mediterranean Sea. COM 2012 MAUGENDRE Laure, GAZEAU Frederic, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Ecophysiological and molecular responses of thecosome pteropods to short-term ocean acidification. COM 2012 HOWES Ella,louise, MOYA Aurélie, LACOUE-LABARTHE Thomas, TEYSSIÉ J-l, FORET S, ... (+2)
Ecological interplays in mediterranean rocky shores under climate change: macroalgae and sea urchins responses to ocean acidification. COM 2012 ASNAGHI V, CHIANTORE Mariachiara, MANGIALAJO Luisa, GAZEAU Frederic, FRANCOUR Patrice, ... (+2)
Calcifying pteropod time series provides a baseline against which to measure local environmental change. COM 2012 HOWES Ella,louise, ASSAILLY C, IRISSON Jean-olivier, STEMMANN Lars
Calcification des otolithes de juvéniles de daurade royale Sparus aurata en réponse à l’acidification des océans. COM 2012 RÉVEILLAC E, MARTIN Sophie, LACOUE-LABARTHE Thomas, TEYSSIÉ J-l, OBERHÄNSLI F, ... (+1)
EPOCA data management activities: a summary. AP 2012 NISUMAA Anne-marin, SCHLITZER R, HANSSON Lina, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Impact of ocean acidification on mediterranean coralline algae. AP 2012 MARTIN Sophie, HALL-SPENCER J,m, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Ocean Acidification – How will ongoing ocean acidification affect marine life? AP 2012 GATTUSO Jean-pierre, THOMAS E
xFOCE systems: present status and future developments. ASCL 2013 BREWER P, KIRKWOOD William, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Isolation, characterization and molecular cloning of new temporins from the skin of the North African ranid Pelophylax saharica ACL 2008 ABBASSI Feten, OURY Bruno, BLASCO Thierry, SERENO Denis, BOLBACH Gerard, ... (+4)