Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
The Wine Glass Effect shapes particle export to the deep ocean in mesoscale eddies ACL 2016 WAITE Anya, STEMMANN Lars, GUIDI Lionel, CALIL Paulo,h,r, HOGG Mc andrew,c, ... (+4)
High frequency mesozooplankton monitoring: Can imaging systems and automated sample analysis help us describe and interpret changes in zooplankton community composition and size structure - An example from a coastal site. ACL 2016 ROMAGNAN Jean-baptiste, ALDAMMAN Lama, GASPARINI Stéphane, NIVAL Paul, JAMET J-l, ... (+1)
Changes in the Floating Plastic Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea in Relation to the Distance to Land ACL 2016 PEDROTTI Maria-luiza, PETIT Stephanie, ELINEAU Amanda, BRUZAUD Stéphane, CREBASSA J,c, ... (+4)
Abundance and Diversity of Crypto- and Necto-Benthic Coastal Fish Are Higher in Marine Forests than in Structurally Less Complex Macroalgal Assemblages ACL 2016 THIRIET Pierre, DI FRANCO Antonio, CHEMINEE Adrien, GUIDETTI P, BIANCHIMANI Olivier, ... (+7)
Effects of elevated pCO2 and feeding on net calcification and energy budget of the Mediterranean cold-water coral Madrepora ACL 2016 MAIER Conny, POPP Pauline, SOLLFRANK Nicole, WEINBAUER Markus,g, WILD Christen, ... (+1)
The importance of high-level predators in marine protected area management: consequences of their decline and their potential recovery in the Mediterranean context. ACL 2013 PRATO G, GUIDETTI P, BARTOLINI F, MANGIALAJO Luisa, FRANCOUR Patrice
Conservation and restoration of marine forests in the Mediterranean Sea and the potential role of Marine Protected Areas. ACL 2013 GIANNI F, BARTOLINI F, AIROLDI Laura, BALLESTEROS Enric, FRANCOUR Patrice, ... (+3)
Moving beyond a top-down fisheries management approach in the northwestern Mediterranean: some lessons from the Philippines ACL 2013 ARCEO H,o, CAZALET B, ALINO P,m, MANGIALAJO Luisa, FRANCOUR Patrice
Colonisation processes and the role of coralline algae in rocky shore community dynamics. ACL 2015 ASNAGHI V, THRUSH S, HEWITT J, MANGIALAJO Luisa
Sampling of Ostreopsis cf. ovata using artificial substrates: Optimization of methods for the monitoring of benthic harmful algal blooms ACL 2016 JAUZEIN Cécile, FRICKE Anna, MANGIALAJO Luisa, LEMEE Rodolphe
Remote Sensing of Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Extremely Turbid Shellfish Ecosystems: from Bio-Optical Algorithms to Aquaculture Applications COM 2016 GERNEZ Pierre, LARNICOL Morgane, BARILLÉ Laurent, DOXARAN David
The Use of Profiling Floats for Cal/Val of Ocean Color Remote Sensing AFF 2016 BOSS Emmanuel, HAENTJENS N, GERBI G,p, LEYMARIE Edouard
Fluxes and Dynamics of Suspended Particles in River Plumes by Combining In Situ Autonomous Measurements and Multi-Sensor Ocean Colour Satellite Data AFF 2016 DOXARAN David, ODY Anouck, VERNEY Romaric, PAIRAUD Ivane, BOURRIN François
Annual Variability of Suspended Particulate Matter and Chlorophyll Concentrations in the Gulf of Taranto (Southern Italy) using MODIS Aqua Satellite Data AFF 2016 DI POLITO Carmine, CIANCIA Emanuele, COVIELLO Irina, DOXARAN David, LACAVA Teodosio, ... (+3)
Characterizing the Seasonal Optical Properties of a Macro-Tidal, Optically Complex Embayment in Tropical Northern Australia: the Van Diemen Gulf AFF 2016 BLONDEAU-PATISSIER D, SCHROEDER Thomas, CLEMENTSON Lesley, BRANDO Vittorio,e, PURCELL Diane, ... (+2)
Retrieving Phytoplankton Diversity from Ocean Color Observations: Review of Past Work and Possible Paths for the Future INV 2016 UITZ Julia, ROESLER Collin, BRICAUD Annick, BREWIN Robert,j,w
Retrieval of Colored Detrital Matter (CDM) light absorption coefficients in the Mediterranean Sea using field and satellite ocean color radiometry: Evaluation of bio-optical inversion models. ACL 2016 ORGANELLI Emanuele, BRICAUD Annick, GENTILI Bernard, ANTOINE David, VELLUCCI Vincenzo
Modeling, analysis, and control of microalgae growth in dense cultures AP 2019 VON DOSSOW Carlos,martinez
Ecologie chimique du dinoflagellé benthique toxique Ostreopsis cf. ovata en Méditerranée Nord-Occidentale AP 2019 PAVAUX Anne-sophie
Continuous selection pressure to enlarge temperature niche of Tisochrysis lutea ACTI 2015 BONNEFOND Hubert, PRUVOST Eric, SCIANDRA Antoine, BERNARD Olivier
With a Little Help from My Friends: Group Orientation by Larvae of a Coral Reef Fish ACL 2015 IRISSON Jean-olivier, PARIS Claire,b, LEIS J,m, YERMAN M,n
Colonization and release processes of viruses and prokaryotes on artificial marine macroaggregates ACL 2016 BETTAREL Y, MOTEGI Chiaki, WEINBAUER Markus,g, MARI Xavier
Data compilation on the biological response to ocean acidification: an update ACL 2016 YANG Y, HANSSON Lina, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Nonlinear effects of body size and optical attenuation on Diel Vertical Migration by zooplankton ACL 2016 OHMAN M,d, ROMAGNAN Jean-baptiste
Biofilm-like properties of the sea surface and predicted effects on air-sea CO2 exchange ACL 2016 WURL Oliver, STOLLE Christian, VAN THUOC Chu, PHAM Thu,the, MARI Xavier
Growth responses of Ulva prolifera to inorganic and organic nutrients: Implications for macroalgal blooms in the southern Yellow Sea, China ACL 2016 LI Hongmei, ZHANG Yongyu, HAN Xiurong, SHI Xiaoyong, RIVKIN R,b, ... (+1)
Proposition of indicators of anthropogenic pressure in the Bay of Toulon (Mediterranean Sea) based on zooplankton time-series ACL 2016 SERRANITO Bruno, AUBERT Anais, STEMMANN Lars, ROSSI N, JAMET J-l
From species distributions to ecosystem structure and function: A methodological perspective ACL 2016 CHAALALI Aurae, BEAUGRAND Grégory, RAYBAUD Virginie, LASSALLE Geraldine, SAINT-BEAT Blanche, ... (+7)
A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data for ocean-colour satellite applications ACL 2016 VALENTE Andre, SATHYENDRANATH Shubha, BROTAS Vanda, GROOM S, GRANT Michael, ... (+38)
Seasonal cycle of the mixed layer, the seasonal thermocline and the upper-ocean heat storage rate in the Mediterranean Sea derived from observations ACL 2015 HOUPERT Loic, TESTOR Pierre, DURRIEU DE MADRON Xavier, SOMOT Samuel, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, ... (+2)