Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Vertical velocities associated with open-ocean deep convection in theNW Mediterranean Sea as indirectly observed by gliders. AFF 2014 BOSSE Antony, TESTOR Pierre, LEGLAND G, MORTIER Laurent, HOUPERT Loic, ... (+1)
New insights of the Northern Current in the Mediterranean Sea using Gliders: Mean structure. Transport, and Seasonal Variability AFF 2013 BOSSE Antony, TESTOR Pierre, MORTIER Laurent, BEGUERY L, BERNARDET Karim, ... (+4)
Characteristics of Geostrophic Eddies in the North Western Mediterranean as observed by Gliders and simulated by a high-resolution Model: formation, behaviour and dissipation AFF 2013 BOSSE Antony, TESTOR Pierre, MORTIER Laurent, DAMIEN Pierre, ESTOURNEL Claude, ... (+7)
Survey of submesoscale structures at the margin of the Northern Current in the North Western Mediterranean Sea using Gliders: observations and diagnostics AFF 2013 BOSSE Antony, TESTOR Pierre, MORTIER Laurent, BEGUERY L, BERNARDET Karim, ... (+4)
Steric sea level variations in the Mediterranean Sea during the last decade AFF 2013 VON SCHUCKMANN Karina, NOTARSTEFANO G, POULAIN Pierre-marie, MENNA M, PRIEUR Louis, ... (+1)
New knowledge of the variability of the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea from observations of the HYMEX/MERMEX EOP/SOPs COM 2014 TESTOR Pierre, BOSSE Antony, HOUPERT Loic, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, LAVIGNE Héloïse, ... (+9)
A 1 year sea surface heat and water budget in the Northwestern Mediterranean basin COM 2014 CANIAUX Guy, PRIEUR Louis, GIORDANI Hervé
A climatology of air-sea interactions at the Mediterranean LION and AZUR buoys COM 2014 CANIAUX Guy, PRIEUR Louis, BOUIN Marie-noëlle, GIORDANI Hervé
A Multiplatform Fine Scale 3D Analysis of the Northwestern Mediterranean during the HyMeX/ASICS Experiment. Application to Dense Water Formation COM 2014 GIORDANI Hervé, TESTOR Pierre, COPPOLA Laurent, PRIEUR Louis, TAUPIER-LETAGE Isabelle, ... (+5)
A climatology of air sea interactions at the Mediterranean LION and AZUR buoys COM 2014 CANIAUX Guy, PRIEUR Louis, BOUIN Marie-noëlle, GIORDANI Hervé
Steric sea level variations in the Mediterranean Sea during the last decade COM 2013 VON SCHUCKMANN Karina, NOTARSTEFANO G, POULAIN Pierre-marie, MENNA M, PRIEUR Louis, ... (+1)
Intensive measurements of oxygen concentrations during an open sea convection process in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea using Argo floats COM 2013 COPPOLA Laurent, PRIEUR Louis, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, LEFÈVRE Dominique, LE RESTE Serge, ... (+4)
Near-inertial wave generation within an anticyclonic eddy and turbulence in the Mediterranean sea during BOUM experiment. COM 2013 BOURUET-AUBERTOT Pascale, CUYPERS Y, LELONG P, PRIEUR Louis, MAREC Claudie, ... (+1)
Evolution of the dissolved oxygen in the central part of the NW Mediterranean sea: new results about the water mass properties change over the last 20 years. COM 2013 COPPOLA Laurent, LEFÈVRE Dominique, PRIEUR Louis, TAILLANDIER Vincent
Impact of hydrodynamic changes on mediterranean biogeochemical budgets (WP1 of the MERMEX project). COM 2010 CONAN Pascal, ESTOURNEL Claude, PRIEUR Louis
Distributions of the carbonate system properties, anthropogenic CO2, and acidification during the 2008 BOUM cruise (Mediterranean Sea). AP 2012 TOURATIER F, GUGLIELMI V, GOYET Catherine, PRIEUR Louis, PUJO-PAY Mireille, ... (+2)
Combining Lagrangian approaches with species distribution models: new approaches to assess climate-driven shifts of distribution range in the pelagic realm AFF 2014 AYATA Sakina-dorothée, BENEDETTI Fabio, BERLINE Léo, FONTANA Clément, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio
Effects of photoacclimation and flexible C:N ratio of phytoplankton on primary production in the ocean: insights from 1D and 3D modelling AP 2014 AYATA Sakina-dorothée, LÉVY Marina
Projected distributions of planktonic organisms under different climate change scenarios for the Mediterranean Sea AFF 2014 BENEDETTI Fabio, GUILHAUMON François, REYGONDEAU Gabriel, SOMOT Samuel, AYATA Sakina-dorothée
Projected distributions of planktonic organisms under different climate change scenarios for the Mediterranean AFF 2014 BENEDETTI Fabio, GUILHAUMON François, REYGONDEAU Gabriel, SOMOT Samuel, AYATA Sakina-dorothée
Combining bio-physical modelling with habitat modelling to study the distribution of pelagic biodiversity COM 2013 AYATA Sakina-dorothée
Determination of spectral absorption coefficients of particles, dissolved material, and phytoplankton for discrete water samples OS 2000 MITCHELL B,greg, BRICAUD Annick, CARDER Ken,l, CLEVELAND Joan, FERRARI Giovani,m, ... (+16)
Modèles de réflectance diffuse de l'océan: application à la détermination satellitaire des concentrations des substances présentes dans l'eau de mer OS 1990 BRICAUD Annick
Inherent properties of algal cells including picoplankton : theoretical and experimental results OS 1986 MOREL André, BRICAUD Annick
Atmospheric corrections and interpretation of marine radiances in CZCS imagery : use of a reflectance model ACL 1987 BRICAUD Annick, MOREL André
Spatial/temporal variability of algal biomass and primary productivity in the Mauritanian upwelling zone, as estimated from CZCS data ACL 1987 BRICAUD Annick, MOREL André, ANDRE J,m
Teneur en sélénium du microplancton de la mer Ligure (Méditerranée nord-occidentale). Toxicité et bioaccumulation du sélénium chez une microalgue Cricosphaera elongata et une macroalgue Bryopsis maxima AP 1992 BOISSON F
Evaluation de la biomasse phytoplanctonique et de la production primaire associée à partir de données satellitaires (couleur de l'océan). Application à la zone tropicale au large de la Mauritanie (utilisation de l'imagerie du Coastal Zone Color Scanner) AP 1992 BERTHON Jean-françois
Etude expérimentale et théorique de la croissance de Dunaliella tertiolecta (chlorophyceae) soumise a une limitation variable de nitrate : utilisation de la dynamique transitoire pour la conception et la validation des modèles AP 1995 BERNARD Olivier
Comportement trophique des principaux ciliées pélagiques marins en mer Ligure. Phagotrophie, mixotrophie et autotrophie AP 1991 BERNARD C